26 Jan 2012

Shape Love

I have completed a few layouts inspired by shapes this week.

An at 18 months page. Just noted down a few things Archie is doing right now. I love looking back at these pages, it is easy to forget what they were like at certain stages and although I try to write down on my callendar pages everytime he says or does something new its nice to do a whole page every so often.

He seems to be coming out with new words every day now. When he really starts to talk I will miss those little conversations we have, the ones where he has soo much to say and its said so importantly but none of its actuall words.

Archie and Elizabeth have been getting on really well lately (most of the time). They dont bicker so much now and actually play together nicely. Its really sweet when I catch them having cuddles on the sofa and they really make each other laugh. Just hope it continues.

I love it when I get to spend some time with Elizabeth on her own. Her Nanny looked after Archie for the afternoon and we got out the Play-doh.  Love the little cakes and biscuits she makes, all set out on little plates to show daddy when he comes home.

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog, it's all so interesting and of course just love the pics and notes about your lovely children
