30 Apr 2012


Its so nice to have some sunshine today after all this relentless rain we've been having - though it doesn't look to last! These are some of my recent charity shop and car boot sale finds. I'm loving this Rolodex rotary card file and only a couple of the little cards have been written on.

I loved the colour of this typewriter and it looks like its never been used. It still has the little plastic cover and the instruction book.

Red Tam Tam stool.

I really don't know much about this hot water bottle, I just thought it was really pretty and unusual. I've been trying to search for something similar but cant seem to find anything!

I think my camera might have finally had it! Not only is the alignment out (which means what I see is not how the photo comes out!) I also have a little bug caught in there somewhere which I can see when I look through the viewfinder, and now today it has started making the most horrendous noise when I turn it on or off. Its all making photo taking quite hard work, but I'm thinking all this will probably cost as much to get fixed as a new one! I might have to start looking about! 

I hope the sun is shining where you are today. 


  1. Yey! the sun is indeed out here and it is so warm! lovely finds, the typewriter is beautiful colour and that red atm tam stool is so fun! Finger crossed it stays sunny!x

    1. Glad the suns shining on you too, it's so lovely after all the greyness and rain! Hope it stays too. Xx

  2. Hurrah for sunshine, we've got some here too, it's great! Loving your finds, I really want to get a typewriter for the kids to play with, so much more fun than the computer. Sounds like a new camera is in order; once you've decided what you want have a look for bargains, I got mine for about 1/3 off last year and I love it (it's a Canon). Rachel x

    1. Thanks Rachel, glad you have sunshine too! Yes I will have a look for a bargain. I would really like a canon. I have a Sony, apparently the allignment is a common problem with the model I have so don't want the same! I'm sure if I have a look round I can find a good offer. Have a great week. xx

  3. Lovely finds. I love those Tam Tam stools, perfect for little people! Sorry to hear about camera, that's never good news. x

    1. Thanks Jen, yes they're great for little ones, although mine thought it made a better drum than a seat! Xx

  4. OOOOOH great finds- the Rolodex is my favourite! Can just imagine it in a 70's office! Jxx

  5. Thanks Jo, yes thats my fave find for a while, it's pretty fab. Xx

  6. Wow, lots of great finds! I love the stool. Pity about the camera though but I bet a new one will be loads of fun! x

    1. Thanks Col, yes it would be fun to play with a new one! Xx

  7. Oh my word - I am in vintage heaven.

    Those are some truly lovely bargains.

    Nina x

    1. Yes I have done ok for bagains lately - considering the rain has stopped us going to our normal car boots. xx

  8. Great finds! I'm loving that red stool. x

  9. so much vintage goodness. As for your camera - eeekkk, sorry to hear. It's true that often you can find a pre-loved newish dslr for cheaper that what the repairs will be. x
