1 Apr 2012

Srapping catch up

Its been a little while since I did any scrapbooking. It goes like that sometimes, some weeks I have the scrapping bug and cant wait to get all my stash out and some weeks I would rather just sit and pin for an hour before bed! No packing up then! I need to clear out the bottom of my craft cupboard again, that way I can just leave any unfinished pages in there and just do a bit when I get the time. But anyway the last couple of days I have managed to get a bit done.

I completed my March calendar page, and finally my Feb one too! I love this cute bird magnet from Petra Boase.

A couple of layouts too...

Elizabeth had all these little people lined up to go down a slide at the end and then land in a bucket underneath. Its was nice to use a different sized photo other than my usual 6x4!

This one is from a sketch at Just C&S (no - 72 )

And finally, I hadn't got around to showing these ones from the last issue of scrapbook magazine. They were for a feature on using oriental style in your layouts.


  1. oooh your calender pages are a lovely idea. Great layouts too.

  2. I meant to add that your happy land layout reminds me of when mine were younger. I wish i'd thought to take photos of them.

  3. Hi Caroline I want to say a HUMONGOUS thankyou for the link you left in the comment on my blog. I have just made a collage using it and oh wow it's 100 times easier than GIMP! Big cyber thankyou squeeze to you for sharing. I love your calendar pages and the oriental blooms is a really pretty mosaic. Did you use the same program for that?
    Thanks again!
    Jo :)

  4. These are so cute! I love them! :)
