29 Jun 2012


We have been doing lots of craftyness this week. Its hard to find things the kids can both do together without Archie completely destroying Elizabeth's creations - which is what usually happens! Elizabeth loves doing creative things now - Archie not so much! I thought painting with cars might keep him interested.

We have been to the beach to collect shells with holes in to make necklaces and pebbles to colour. More paperweights for Emil's office!

And today making maps and searching for treasure in the garden. There are lots of pretty flowers appearing out there - and just one lonely cherry!


  1. I used to love making shell necklaces! I fact I still like pickiing up pretty shells at the beach, they just seem so magical...have a good weekend!x

    1. Me too, I love finding pretty shells and bits of glass. Have a great weekend xx

  2. Painting with cars - such a good idea! Although Angus would probably be so upset that they were mucky that it would all end in tears. Love those shell necklaces.

    1. Archie was quite the opposite, he wanted to dip his whole car collection in the paint - he loved it though! xx

  3. Love your crafty time, my older one loves making treasure maps, and I reckon the younger one would enjoy painting with cars, it's a great idea! I'm itching to draw on pebbles myself. Have a great weekend! xx

    1. Elizabeth loves treasure maps at the moment, she loved following them in the garden to find some coins. Have a great weekend Rachel xx

  4. Gorgeous happy pictures! Such lucky children to have such a crafty mummy xx

  5. The girls always make it a mission to find only the shells with holes in every time we stop off at the beach - all for making necklaces.

    Have a lovely weekend,

    Nina x
