10 Jun 2012


Sorry more beach photos! This time in the rain using my new Holga toy lens. I think I need to play a bit more - maybe try using in some brighter weather if we get any! Its good fun for a change though, especially for the price.

We decided to just wrap up and get out this morning, despite this miserable weather. The kids still loved it - a good excuse to use their brollies. The heating went on when we got back though, it was blimmin' freezing!


  1. Well done for getting out despite the rain! Love that cheeky smile. We've had our heating on too, it seems wrong but it's been so cold! Back to school tomorrow, ho hum. xx

    1. It was actually ok once we were out, it was more the thought of it I think. I know it does seem wrong in June! xx

  2. Gorgeous photos Caroline - I love the one of the bit of beach from between the beach huts! Freezing here too (although sadly no central heating in South Africa) x

    1. Thanks Col, just hate being cold but don't expect it here this time of year! xx

  3. Pretty beach huts! Such lovely colours (even in the rain) x

    1. They had some really pretty colours there, remind me of striped candy bags xx

  4. ooh fun! I was thinking about getting a holga lens for my SLR. It looks like a really interesting to experiment!

    1. Yes its fun for a change. Ebay have lots of choice and good prices. Would like to try the fisheye ones too and I have seen they even do them for mini instax - looks really cute. xx

  5. i have a thing for beach huts and these ones are so pretty. Great photos.

    1. Thanks Louise, yes I love beach huts too - so many pretty colours. xx

  6. I love the effect from your new lens- beautiful dreamy colours!

    1. Thank you, I quie like the dark edges - I know that has a name but I forget!

  7. Don't apologise I love seeing the beach via you, it seems such a long time since we went to the seaside ourselves!

    1. Thank you Polly, that's really lovely xx

  8. Ah, beach huts, I love them. My parents still have one on Hayling Island and I spent so much time there as a child...happy days! Great photos, i like the effects the lens gives.

  9. Hello Caroline, I have just popped in to say hello, Wow rainy days for you, and puddle splashing is so much fun! I love the seaside and these pictures are beautiful... I have nearly completed doing up and old fibro beah shack and get o spend most weekends there with my little grandson in tow working on the project. Each afternoon we walk down to the beach and have a splash around, we stop and have a swing and then amble home chatting o all the locals on the way. I love to collect retro and vintage and love styling children's rooms. I do hpe you pop on over and say hi! I am following you now so I can se more of your lovely seaside pictures.
