12 Jun 2012

rain, rain... rain!

I cant believe how much rain we have had here the last couple of days. (apparently a months worth!) Elizabeth's nursery was shut today because of the flooding so I figured we should just put our wellies on and go to the park anyway. There were certainly some impressive puddles for splashing in.

These last couple of pictures were taken last night at the end of our road. There were kids paddling in the water up to their waists. I have never seen it so flooded around here, but thankfully it had pretty much all cleared by this morning.


  1. Glad all the flooding has cleared. It must have been a little scary (for the grown ups) but I'm sure the kids had loads of fun! x

    1. Yes it was a bit scary trying to pick up Elizabeth from nursery yesterday. Didnt think my car was going to make it, poor thing chugged all the way home! x

  2. Blimey! That looks pretty bad. I'm glad I wasn't camping by you last week :)

    1. Yes its been pretty bad, just couldn't get anywhere as all the roads were cut off. There were people canoeing through near by village! x

  3. Oh my word - that looks amazing, but I can imagine it's quite emotional too and a little scary.

    take care,

    Nina x

    1. Yes it was a bit scary yesterday as it just wouldn't stop raining. I'm glad we don't live where houses flooded. x

  4. Wow that's a lot of rain! So glad it's drained away now and you're not cut off. Fingers crossed for sunshine! x

    1. Yes me too, that was the worst bit. It took my partner hours to get home. Don't expect Bognor to turn into an Island! Yes I really would like some sunshine now, I'm soo sick of the rain. x

  5. What incredible pictures, I bet that was a little scary! Our morning started wet but this afternoons been dry so far, just hope there isn't too much more rain to come. Though I expect the kids absolutely loved stomping in those huge puddles!

    1. Yes I hope so too. Yes they really loved those big puddles today. x

  6. That flooding is dreadful! I can't believe that white car is actually trying to drive through it... Glad you are all safe, it's always a bit scary when we get some "extreme" weather in the UK.

    1. I know there will still quite a few cars trying to get through. The big cars and vans were ok but the little cars just got stuck in the middle. There was a bunch of boys there helping to push them back out. Most of the roads were cut off though and I guess it's hard to know quite how deep they were! x

  7. Goodness! Shocking stuff. I hope you are all safe tonight and that it continues to improve. I can see in one photo that the water is as high as the dog poo bin!! Love picture of 'wellie danger' where the water is in danger of going over the top! My boy always over estimates the height of his wellies! x

    1. Thank you, yes Archie did get a bit carried away. We had to tip the water out a couple of times! x
