15 Jul 2012


Tomorrow is Archie's 2nd birthday, so today we had a day out at Marwell zoo. We had a really lovely day - even the weather was great for a change!

Archie just loved watching the animals, everything was called either a rabbit or chicken! He's at a really lovely age now to go out for the day as he's pretty much stopped having day time naps. Although I do miss having that break in the day sometimes, it does make it easier when out and about as he doesn't get so tired. He never was one to fall asleep in his buggy easily!

Elizabeth managed to get herself completely covered in mud after being there all of ten minutes. Luckily I had a full change of clothes back at the car and she was super impressed to get a special paw stamp on her hand to allow us back in. She has gone to bed tonight wearing her giraffe ears (chosen from the gift shop) so I might have to try and get a photo of that in a minute!

Tomorrow will be just catching up with some family at home for birthday cake and pressies. Plus the Olympic torch is coming round our way so we'll be going to see that.


  1. Love that Meercat photo opportunity! Enjoy the torch and Happy Birthdays to the little man, enjoy every moment they grow too fast!!

    1. Thank you Tracey, yes they sure do - can't believe it's birthday 2 already! xx

  2. They are some cute meercats! At first I thought the first photo was of rain trapped folk... A big happy birthday to Archie, hope he has a wonderful day & hope you get a photo of a sleeping giraffe girl! x

    1. Thanks Karen, yes it did look funny - like people just had their heads poking out the water. xx

  3. Lovely muddy legs! The photos show what a happy day you have had, don't you just love it when a day trip really goes well and everyone has a good time? Have a happy day tomorrow, I would recommend going to see the torch, it's quick but exciting! :) x

    1. Yes it was one of those days, everyone had a great time and the kids were really good - no bickering or moaning! Yes quite excited to see it, even though its horrible weather out there! xx

  4. Lovely photos! It looks like your two had a blast! We went last summer when we stayed at my parents, and loved it. I remember going as a child. My two LOVED the gift shop. Happy Birthday to Archie! x

    1. Thanks Gillian. I had not been before - or at least that I can remember. It was great and a massive place so it was a proper full day out! xx

  5. Wonderful photos! Marwell is a great day out. Happy Birthday to Archie.

    1. Thank you. Yes I quite impressed, will deffinately go back sometime. xx

  6. Happy birthday Archie! I love your photos especially the meerkat one :-) x

  7. Thanks so much for visiting my blog and leaving a comment :) I'm glad you did, as I now have discovered your lovely blog to follow.
    Great photo's...It looks like a really fun day out at the zoo.
    A Happy Birthday to Archie!!
    Magie x

  8. Hello buddy! Happy birthday to Archie.
    love the blog by the way, the pictures are lovely.
    im coming to chi on the 29th- 30th
    not sure if you got my messages, heres my mob number so you can let me know if you are free then 07846443083
    love me xx
