20 Jul 2012

This week...

♥ Archie had his 2nd birthday.
♥ We watched the Olympic torch go by... in the rain!
♥ We had cake and presents with family.
♥ We had dinner at Pizza Hut.
♥ We went to Bournemouth to see my sister and little Spencer.
♥ Elizabeth got a new hair cut.
♥ Elizabeth said goodbye to some of her nursery friends. She dressed up all week... today a witch!

Phew! Its been a busy week, and slightly emotional too - with the little mans birthday and Elizabeth going to school soon. They are growing up so fast!

Tomorrow we are going to get Elizabeth's school uniform in town. (I'm trying to be organised!) She is super excited and talks about it all the time. I know she will love it there and is so ready for it, but I cant help feel a bit nervous for her. I'm just glad she is going to the same school as some of her little friends.

Anyhow, I am looking forward to spending some more time with her over the summer holidays. We have been to Hobbycraft today and stocked up on lots of crafty things to do together. I'm looking forward to having some lazy home mornings too! If we could just have that summer weather now please - a few picnics and beach days would be really nice!

Hope you all have great weekend.


  1. I love the picture with Archie' s splashed nose! Seems like yesterday my Maisy was starting school, now she is going to High School! Enjoy every minute :) Nick xx

    1. Thanks Nick, yes it goes so fast. Hope you have a great weekend. xx

  2. Love all the photos. I remember as if it was yesterday when KP went off to school for the first time - I thought that she would be apprehensive but no, she ran into the class and didn't even turn around when the OH and I said "Goodbye!" The weatherman is promising us some Summer weather at last, let's hope he's right!

    1. Thanks June. I think Elizabeth will probably be like that too. We had a visit last week to spend some time in her new classroom and she practically jumped all the way there she was so excited. She doesn't seem at all worried by it, think thats just me!

      Oh I do hope they are right, we really deserve some now. xx

  3. Beautiful photographs. What happy days you enjoyed, hope the weather is perfect for some fun times ahead! It's such a precious time when one leaves the nest to go to school.

  4. Hi Caroline, I love the first pic of Archie, SO cute with his curls and his stripey top! And Elizabeth looks so proud of her new doo. I haven't been around for aaaages and I only just saw the post of Archie's room and I LOVE it. I love that it's 100% boy but not babyish. The scrabble shelves are a great idea and I love the backing in the cubes, in fact I just love it all!
    Jo :)

    1. Hi Jo. I really need to get his hair cut next, it's gone crazy. My partner keeps telling me I need to get it cut as people mistake him for a girl when they are out together. Elizabeth was very pleased with her new doo, lots of looking in the mirror. Thanks for lovely comments on Archies room and popping by. xx

  5. The weather is supposed to be getting better, we are all ready for some outside time! Looks like you have had a great week! Ada :)

    1. Yay! just in time for summer hols! Its been so lovely to be outside today. xx

  6. Your kids are absolutely gorgeous (and so are your photos)! x

    1. Ah thanks Col, that's really lovely. xx

  7. I just found your blog somehow...I really can't work out how...but I just wanted to let you know that I have loved reading it and visiting you! It is so amazing to meet such lovely people via blogging from all around the world!

    Best wishes from Down Under!
    Natasha in Oz

    1. Hi Natasha, so glad you found me and enjoyed reading. Thanks for stopping by xx

  8. Happy Birthday Archie! Don't know what I love more, his t shirt or Elizabeth's tutu! Sounds like a hectic week. I hope the sun is shining for you and you can put your feet up and enjoy the nice weather. x

  9. Elizabeth was able to dress up for her last week at nursery so there was lots of tutu's and princess dresses. I'm loving the sunshine, finally feels like summer... for a bit! xx

  10. gorgeous photos, love the one of the cake! the beach looks amazing x

  11. Hello, hello - I know exactly how you feel. I was an emotional wreck last week...the tears seemed to keep flowing from gawd knows where - sodding hormones, but all is calm they've broken up and 'yep - gulp' they do seem to be growing up so fast.

    I love the golden hue of your pictures.

    Nina x

  12. Such sweet photo's of Archie and Elizabeth. It looks like Archie had a fun 2nd Birthday and I hope Elizabeth will enjoy her new school :) I like the hand-made cards..the drawing is just adorable!
    I hope you are getting some nice sunshine where you are (the last few days here have just been lovely finally!).
    Magie x

  13. Such beautiful photos - you can tell everyone is having great fun ... wishing you more of it over the summer .... just found your lovely blog via Hello Olive ...

    I have three little ones, one already at school for two years, another starting in September and the last, just turned two in the spring ... it is a wrench when they go to school for the first time ... but they all love it so much, we worry for no reason :)

    Bee x
