19 Aug 2012

big calm

My birthday today. We went to the beach early this morning, to a beach I hadn't been to before. The sea was so calm and there was just enough sand for building castles. A bit too much seaweed for my liking though!

We then drove out to some woods for a walk. We just made it back to the car before there where huge rumbles of thunder followed by the biggest rain drops. Elizabeth took a few leaves and bits home with her so she could draw them using her new crayons.

The rest of the afternoon was spent at home in the garden with a very large chocolate cake.


  1. Happy Birthday Caroline! Sounds like you had a lovely day, especially the very large cake part! x

  2. A very happy birthday to you Caroline! Hope your celebration was fab. Love the pictures. The one of leaves is really lovely, Jxx

  3. Happy Birthday, looks like the perfect day! Ada :)

  4. Happy birthday Caroline, from your photos it looks like you've had a lovely day x

  5. Happy birthday Caroline - your pictures are wonderful, what a beautiful walk. Hope the cake was good ; o ) x

  6. Happy Birthday Caroline! The beach and chocolate cake - two very, very good things. I love your photos today - you really captured the stillness in the air. And I love the one of the coloured pencils. x

  7. Yay, Happy Birthday lovely Caroline! Stunning photos, I especially like the one of the sea, and the coloured pencils, and the sun through the leaves. Glad you had such a good day (and a big chocolate cake!). Rachel xx

  8. Happy birthday to you! I agree with Gillian, we had that still, muggy day here in Manchester too and the photos really do capture that. I love the one of your little girl on the hill with the big stick! Hope you had a happy day. Nick xx

  9. Happy happy birthday Caroline! Looks like you had a lovely day with your family. Hope you've got some cake left to enjoy throughout the week :D Sarah xx

  10. Looks like a lovely way to spend your birthday. Lovely photos (as always!)
    Jo x

  11. Happy Birthday, looks like a lovely day. Love the photo's.

  12. Happy Birthday for yesterday Caroline .. looks like you all had a lovely day ... your photos are lovely ... especially the cloud one .. Bee xx

  13. Happy belated birthday Caroline. My dream would be to live by the sea and close to the woods - or the other way round, oh it would be good.

    take care,

    Nina xx

  14. Dear Caroline,
    Great photos as usual! We went to the seaside yesterday and had some chocolate cake today! KP ate a very huge slice!

  15. Hi- just to say I did a Liebster post today and used your beautiful picture- fully linked, credited etc. Hope that is ok and thank you so much again, jXX

  16. Happy birthday! Glad you had a great day. It was my birthday on Monday too - Leo's must make good bloggers :) xx

  17. Sounds like you had a great day! Lovely pics as usual too :-) x
