9 Aug 2012

In the garden...

A sunny morning spent in the garden. The kids spent ages making a potion with mud and leaves and anything else they could find. Elizabeth's goggles were apparently necessary so she didn't get any dust in her eyes when digging for ingrediants!

Giant footprint painting was one of our crafty summer holiday things to do. Archie just loved doing this...falling over several times from laughing so much.


  1. That looks like so much fun! I loved making mud pies when I was small, infact I still love squelching through mud in my wellies now!x

    1. Yes they did have a fun morning. I can remember making mud pies too. xx

  2. Just brilliant, we used to love making foot print paintings! Ada :)

    1. I have meaning to do it with them for ages, I mentioned to my partner I needed some huge paper and he just happened to have a roll hanging about at his office. Will deffinately be doing it again, so much fun. xx

  3. Oh that looks such fun! And I love the goggle picture, my little one has taken to wearing his ear defenders (bought for a festival last year) so he can look 'like a spaceman' - he wore them to the park yesterday! xx

  4. What a lovely post. I remember KP making mud and rose petal pies! I wasn't too impressed at the use of the rose petals - always selected from the nicest looking rose bush!
    Enjoy the weather!

    1. Thanks June. Yes Elizabeths done that too, I came out to the garden to find a very bare looking Rose bush. x

  5. You take great pictures! How fun is that giant footprint artwork idea?
    They must have had a blast.

  6. That is such a fun idea! I have a couple of old sheets that would make an excellent canvas...I am getting so many great ideas from your blog lately! Love that shot of the blackberry and the painted nails, by the way, it's lovely. x

    1. Thank you Gillian, that's really lovely to know. Old sheets is a great idea, might have to try that myself next time. xx

  7. Those nappy-bottomed shots are too cute! Jude x

  8. These are some lovely ideas for simple fun Caroline. And your two looked like they had a blast. I love the colours of Elizabeth's nail polish and they go so well with the blackberry, that's a lovely photo.

  9. Love the giant footprints! I'll definitely be doing that with the toddler and his pals this summer! x

  10. What a great idea! And hooray for these lovely sunny days. Apparently it's set to change again next week so need to make the most of it while we can! x

  11. That all looks so fun ... wish I lived at your house!!
