22 Aug 2012

Lately... in instax

I cant believe there are only 2 weeks left of the summer holidays already and Elizabeth will be starting 'big girl school' soon. Its just gone crazy fast!

I have really noticed the evenings getting darker the last couple of nights and lots of creepy crawlies appearing. Autumn is on its way! We have been trying to make the most of the remaining hols, spending time outside at the beach and in the garden whenever the weather is nice enough.

Thank you so much for all your lovely birthday messages on my last post. We are going to London for the day on Friday, as a birthday treat from Em. He has had it planned for months, but only recently let slip where we are actually going. I'm very excited, it'll be the most time we've spent together alone since before the kids I think!


  1. I agree with you - the hols have just flown by and I don't believe that I still haven't been to get a new uniform for KP! Love the photos!

    1. Thanks June. They really have, I was quite organised with the uniform but now I need to sit and sew all the little name labels in! xx

  2. Have a wonderful Londony time - I always get excited going to London. I never get tired of it x

    1. Thanks Karen. I have not been for ages, It will be lovely to have a day out. xx

  3. Have a lovely time in London .. it's so important to get a little time away without the little ones now and again ... it is lovely to spend them together and you will come back refreshed and contented ... Bee xx

    PS We have a saying here ... getting your head showered ... I think it sums up having the time to just be you again for the day .... xx

    1. Thank you Bee. Yes it will be great to spend some time together, it's really not something we do very often. xx

  4. Enjoy London! And I hope you had a happy birthday! (I'm still catching up with all my blog reading so I haven't gotten to that post yet.) x

  5. hello Caroline, nice pics! have a lovely birthday treat on friday, very exciting I wonder where you will go! Heather x

    1. Thanks Heather, I think we will be doing some touristy stuff as I had said to him ages ago I would love to go and do this! I always just seem to have gone on the tube straight to where we are going when I've been before! Think there might even be a tour! xx

  6. Oooh your sandals! I have the same but they hurt a bit. Are yours hurty?? Have a lovely, lovely away day :) xx

    1. Thank you. Mine are actually ok, I thought they might be hurty but they were really comfy from the start. Are they Salt Walters, it said on my box if they rub you can wear them when damp and this will conform the leather to your foot. Have not tried it though! xx

  7. Thanks for your comment on my blog. Have a lovely time in London. Sarah x

  8. Oh how are you feeling about the school thing? I'm dreading it and still have a year to go! Enjoy London you lucky thing. x

  9. Ooh, have fun in London! Great photos, especially the one of the spades. We've noticed the nights are drawing in a little, it's dark by 8.30 now. And cooler in the mornings. I quite like it though. We are off shopping today for school shoes and uniform. How quickly the holidays have gone! x

  10. Such lovely bright summer photo's! It sounds like you have been making the most of the summer holidays.
    A happy Birthday to you as well (slightly belated)...I hope you have a fab time in London!
    Magie x

  11. Ooh are these taken with an instax mini? Love the coloured frames, might have a look for similar film :)
