21 Sept 2012

At home...



We have been spending lots of time at home this week, trying to get into a new routine of school. Elizabeth started full days on Wednesday. She's still full of excitement about going in every morning which is lovely and comes home with lots of creations from her day. I feel like I'm constantly clock watching at the moment though so as to not be late!

I have been trying to get some more decorating in the house finished . After trying many tester pots of various colours for the bedroom... I opted for white - with just a little mustard strip. Now I Just need to get some wallpaper up!

♥ Archie boy
♥ Leaves for crafting
♥ Elizabeth's treasure box - a summer project for school
♥ Paints and wallpaper for the bedroom
♥ Webs in the garden
♥ Masterpieces from school
♥ New scrap-booking supplies - badges from here.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend. xx


  1. Love your choice of colours. Also love the chillin' with a rice cake photo! X

    1. Thank you, I kind of felt like I should use some colour after moving from our rented all white house but after trying lots out I decided I really like white! Hopefully the yellow stripe adds a bit of colour. xx

  2. Love the first photo - Archie looks so cute! Good luck with the decorating!

    1. Thanks June. Glossing to do next - I hate glossing! xx

  3. Gosh you capture such beautiful moments Caroline - they are just stunning. x

  4. Wow, these photos are amazing Caroline - seriously, that one of the leaves made me go Wow! And the pencils and cobweb. Gorgeous and simple. Have a lovely weekend. x

    1. Thank you Gillian, that's really lovely. Have a great weekend too. xx

  5. Big sigh - all your moments look so darn lovely.

    Full time 'eekk' we have weeks before that happens.

    take care and have a wonderful weekend,

    Nina x

    1. Thanks Nina. Enjoy the rest of your short days! You have a wonderful weekend too. xx

  6. Love your photos must be great moments...enjoy.

  7. love your pictures, do you think he knows what a cool chair he's sitting in ?! the autumn leaves are gorgeous, well they all are really. I particularly love the telescope pirate phone, such a good idea! Heather x

    1. Thanks Heather. She is bringing lots of modelling home lately, I love hearing what they are meant to be. Not sure what to do with them all though, I figured if I photograph them it wouldn't be so bad that the bigger ones end up back in the recycling! xx

    2. Photos are a great way of affirming them in their creativity- while also ushering their creations kerbside! I try to have a 'gallery' space: when it's full, my girls choose which of their artworks it's time to recycle, to make room for new creations...


  8. Your at home activities all look so appealing! Enjoy the weekend x

  9. Beautiful photos as always, Caroline ... loving the look of sheer contentment on Archie's little face ... Bee xx

  10. Such lovely photos! And I love the bedroom colours. I'm actually planning to introduce a few mustard yellow accessories into our bedroom in the not too distant future! x

    1. Thank you, yes I'm having a bit of a mustard yellow phase at the moment. Trying not to overdo it though or I'll hate it in a few months time! xx

  11. I love the photos, especially the depth of field in the pencils one. Great colour and wallpaper choices for your bedroom too x

  12. I really look forward to seeing your photos Caroline, you have an amazing eye - those spider web ones are beautiful, but really - all of them just beautiful. Love that yellow! x

  13. Gorgeous! How pretty are pencil shavings??! I've never even noticed before! I think we may be sharpening lots of pencils in our house this weekend : )
    Have a happy one, Jude xx

    1. They are pretty, but my fingers hurt so much! I sharpened them all for her and it actually gave me a blister! xx

  14. That is such a great pic of Archie chilling in the chair :-) x
