12 Sept 2012

First day...


Elizabeth's first day of school. She has been so so excited about today, counting down the sleeps!
She went into her new class with no problems, found her little friends and started playing in the home corner before we had even left. And I just about managed to hold back on the tears until I got home! Yay to half days for now!


  1. She looks so happy! You have done your 'job' well, she's happy, independent and ready to learn! Ada :)

  2. I remember KP's first day at school as if it was yesterday. She sauntered into the class and immediately started playing with other girls. I said goodbye and she didn't even turn around! I left quietly and sobbed to myself in the car all the way home! Love the pose by the front door!

  3. oh what a sweetie! so nice she was excited and ready to start! Heather x

  4. She looks so cute! Glad all went well xx

  5. Oh gosh - another little one looking so smart. It's half days here too for a while so I get to play for some of the day.

    take care and big hugs in return,

    Nina x

  6. Oh goodness, she's so very cute. I hope she settles in well. It's such a big thing for them isn't it. Her smile is pretty huge there though, so it looks like she'll be having a ball! x

  7. What a cutie ... so glad she settled well and it will get easier for you day by day ... the confidence they gain through school is amazing ... look forward to it ... Bee xx

  8. Oh, that first photo is so beautiful! She is shining with happiness and excitement. My daughter has book bag just like that in red. Glad she is settling well. All these adjustments for us mummies - it's a scary time... xx

  9. aw, bless! she looks so cute! x

  10. What a sweetheart! She looks brimful of excitement!


  11. Bless her, she looks so proud and rightfully so!

  12. How did I miss this lovely post?! Oh her little face is just priceless, I hope her first few days have gone well, for her and for you! xx
