26 Sept 2012

Pine cones and rainbows...


A walk through some nearby park gardens after school. We collected cones to make some autumn decorations. There were plenty of puddles for splashing in after all this crazy weather we are having here lately - sunshine one minute, pouring rain the next. At least we get pretty rainbows!


  1. I was laughing at the wet feet and trousers! They don't care do they, jolly good! and a sisterly hug how sweet. I am waiting for a pause in the downpour to dash out with the dog! Heather x

    1. Yes it was a bit of an unplanned trip to the park on the way home, otherwise I'd have brought wellies. He really doesn't care how wet he gets, it must feel horrible! xx

  2. Oh my goodness, little boys love puddles don't they :-) Mine is obsessed with the hosepipe and always waters his shoes! x

    1. They really do, He just has to walk through the biggest puddles where as Elizabeth has always been so careful not to get wet. Archie is obsessed with the water but and always waters his feet, then he takes his shoes off and walks around in soggy socks. Yuk! xx

  3. Oh dear - look at those wet feet. I bet there was soggy socks all round after those splashes.

    We collect pine cones and use them as fire lighters - they super. Love your little collection and your pictures are awesome. Beautiful things that I love about this season...

    Nina x

    1. Oh yes soggy socks and very wet shoes! That's a lovely idea. Thanks Nina. xx

  4. That first photograph is fantastic! Xx

  5. Dear Caroline,
    Stunning photographs. Love the water in the first one - you can almost hear the splash. KP loves water too and has no qualms whatsoever about walking about with squealchy shoes!
    Enjoy the rest of the week.

  6. You are a great photographer- these are brilliant. Lovely pictures, Jxx

  7. Beautiful photos for a lovely day. Xxx

  8. I love random after school trips to the park, especially when it's not raining! Again, really striking photos. x

  9. a beautiful collection of photos. happy to have found your blog. xo

  10. Your photographs are always so beautiful Caroline ... I love the little sibling hug one ... too cute ... Bee xx

  11. love the photos of the puddles :) x
