16 Sept 2012

Weekend finds...

Some bits I bought at a car boot sale we went to yesterday, It seems like ages since we have been to one! I loved the colours and the pattern of this vintage puzzle game, luckily it came with the original box and I was able to just copy the picture otherwise I think it would have taken me a while to piece it together.

The mustard light was a find for our bedroom which I am in the middle of decorating and the fabrics from the bed cover and fold out cushion thingy (not sure what they are actually called!) will probably be used to make something else - maybe some cushions! I have no idea what I will do with the paper plates, but I thought they were just to lovely not to buy!


Thank you for all your lovely comments on my last post. Hope your having a great weekend. xx


  1. great finds! sheets and matching bedspread! and the plates are lovely, there must be something you can make with those! I must go car booting before the season ends, Heather x

    1. Thanks Heather, yes I'm sure I will think of something - probably find a great idea on pinterest one day! We don't seem to have been to many this summer, though I have been trying to have a clear out and keep it that way so probably a good thing - just get too tempted to buy pretty things I don't actually need! xx

  2. Super finds! Love that mustard lamp. x

    1. Thanks Jen, yes I was pleased with that find - especially as i had been looking out for a light that colour. xx

  3. Great stuff! Love the yellow bedspread! Ada :)

    1. Thanks Ada, I love those colours! Was good to find matching pillow cases too. xx

  4. Oh those paper plates are gorgeous! I would have had to have them too! X

    1. They are lovely, a totally not needed purchase but pretty and a bargain too! xx

  5. I've just been transported back to my childhood - beautiful finds.

    Nina x

  6. I need to go to the boot sale you go to..what finds! I love the light.. I have been wanting one in the exact style to go on my night table, the one I want is in red (hoping hubby will buy me it for my Birthday or Christmas..cross fingers :P).
    The fabrics as great, would make lovely cushion covers.
    Magie x

    1. It's a great car boot, I pretty much always come away with something when we do go. Yes this is on our night table, Im decorating our bedroom with mustard in so it was perfect timing! Hope you get your red one soon. xx

  7. Oh what wonderful finds! Must be a great boot sale, we went to one yesterday too and I found a few nice bits but not quite in the same league as yours. I love that blue fabric so much, is it a sun lounger cushiony thing? And that lamp - perfect! x

    1. It's a really good one, you'd love it there! Lots of house clearance stuff and colectables. we probably don't get there early enough to see most of the good stuff and it's hard to look properly with little ones but usually come away with something! Yes it is a sun lounger, was going to say garden bed cushion thingy but sun lounger is it! found a few of them lately, great for using the fabric as so cheap. xx

  8. Yes love your finds very nostalgic.

  9. Dear Caroline,
    What great finds! LOve the lamp and the paper plates. I once saw in a magazine paper plates used as decoration on a feature wall - they had been placed at picture rail height in a row and looked fab!

    1. Thanks June, that's a great idea. Im making a little plate collection on the wall at the moment, maybe I could add a couple in there! xx

  10. fantastic finds! clearly, I need to be visiting the same car boot sale as you! that light is really lovely x

  11. Carbooting is something I definitely need to try, by the looks of things there are a host of gorgeous finds to be had! You have a beautiful blog Caroline :)

    Emma x

  12. Wow, some good finds there! I thought at first that you were going with an autumn theme, as your lamp, game, fabric and plates are in in shades of yellows, oranges and browns - how appropriate for this time of year. x

  13. Lucky you, those finds are fab! Don't think I could have resisted those paper plate either - such pretty patterns. x

  14. Hi Caroline. Stunning Photos. love the plates and the lamp :D *New Follower* Bookishtimes.blogspot.co.uk

  15. those paper plates are AMAZING! Thats the kind of carboot loot I go crazy happy for! I saw a post somewhere else recently about making paper plates into clock faces..just an idea :)
