31 Oct 2012

52 Weeks of Happy (1/52)


A bit late, but I thought I would join in with Jen and her 52 weeks of happy. So this is what I'm happy about this week.

♥ Lighter mornings - making it a little easier to get up.

♥ My new fur lined Converse - I'm so done with having cold feet!

♥ A visit from my sister and little Spencer.

♥ A CD from Emil containing all the photos and films from my broken old phone. I thought they were gone forever so it was a lovely surprise.


  1. Lovely happy things Caroline ... you must have been delighted with the CD .. I lost the photos of our first holiday abroad when the boys were little ... I was so upset ... I now back everything up ... lesson learnt ... Bee xx

  2. Thanks Bee, I'm pretty good with backing up my photos from my camera but it just didn't occur to me to back up from my phone. Something happened to the screen so I couldn't even see to try and find them, so glad he worked it out though. I both laughed and cried looking back at some of the little films, they are such poor quality pics but I'm so grateful to still have them. xx

  3. Gorgeous photos Caroline! Such great happy things :) Fur lined Converse sound like heaven! Yes please :) Hazel x

  4. Spencer looks so cute! Warm cosy toes, lovely! Ada :)

  5. It's never too late to join in! And that first picture is just stunning. x

  6. Glad you joined in - i am loving 52 Weeks if Happy, such a sweet and easy celebration of simple, happy-making things.

    Fur lined cons...how did I not know of this??? I live in my cons but in the winter they just do not keep my feet warm. I will have to investigate further... x

  7. Ooh I love my fur lined converse! I got mine years ago and have not seen another pair since so im glad I have them now!x

  8. FUR LINED?!? I NEED THESE! :) xx

  9. Love the blue tones in those top two shots - beautifully wintery. And as for fur-lined Converse, oh my....! Glad to see you have joined in, it's a really fun project!

  10. gosh fur lined converse, who knew!! Heather x
