11 Oct 2012




♥ There have been lots of walks in the park - when the weathers been nice enough! We have collected more cones (though not made anything with them yet!) and have been making prints with our collected leaves.

♥ I find it hard to think of crafty things to do with Archie on rainy days, painting with trains and cars usually goes down well though. It always ends up with some hand printing - I have learnt to run a bath ready whenever we do painting so I can just get him straight in there when he's absolutely covered!

♥ Elizabeth is still bringing home junk modelling creations from school every day. I thought I would photograph them all and make them into a mini book. I want to keep a record of them, especially what they're meant to be and this way I don't feel so bad about putting them back in the recycling!

♥  I have been trying to get my photo albums up to date. I like to have all my photos printed off and in albums but its something I hadn't done in ages so I had loads to sort through!

♥ I bought these super cute cards to put in some little frames for Elizabeth's room from Emma Margaret's lovely Etsy shop Doodle Designs.

♥ Yesterday Em and I had a couple of hours on our own shopping in Chichester. It was lovely to just have a mooch around and go in some of the little shops you don't normally go in with little ones! I bought these stamps for scrapbooking and couldn't resist this little neon pink bowl from Bloomingville.

Dont forget you can still enter my giveaway here. x 


  1. I love the pink bowl, and that shark with people inside is epic! x

    1. Thanks Charmaine, I liked the little pipe cleaner people. It's the descriptions of them that I love the most, I wonder how she comes up with some of them! xx

  2. Thank you so much for the mention! I'm glad you liked the cards :)

    1. I love them! They look great in the little frames. xx

  3. I wish I had done something like this with KP's creations. Love the pink bowl!

    1. Thanks June, I love her funny makes, but they do take up a lot of space! I figured this way I would still have a record of them all. Might be nice to look back on later! xx

  4. Fir cones and leaf painting - don't you just love this time of year....minus the chills that is.

    Nina x

    1. It's lovely, we have been trying to do lots of Autumny things - just need to go searching for some conkers now! xx

  5. You are so good keeping pictures of the models, that is such a lovely thing to do. Lucky children you have! Xx

    1. Aw Thank you, hopefully she will enjoy looking back on these things one day too! xx

  6. Wow, that's a lot of photos to sort through! I used to be so good at printing my photos and putting them in albums but since having a child that's all gone out the window! x

    1. Yes it was a bit of a mission. It is a lot of work to keep up with them, but it does mean I actually have to go through all my photos on my camera and delete all the rubbish! I like how the kids can just look through them too. xx

  7. So need to do this with all my photos ... I am petrified of losing them because so many are not printed ... I gave you a little mention today in my eleven post ... Bee xx

    1. Ooh thank you Bee. Yes I'm the same, I stick them all on to a cd too when getting them printed. Xx

  8. Love your shots, that pink bowl is fab.

    1. Thanks Tracey. Yes I loved the little bowl, it looks even brighter in real life! xx

  9. Hello Caroline,

    What a stunning blog you have! It's quite unique and your pictures are enviable in quality! Aren't those leaf prints delicate? Such a simple idea but very effective indeed.

    I'm so very glad I dropped by and found you.

    Have a wonderful weekend,


    1. Hello Stephanie, thank you so much for your lovely comments and for dropping by. Yes we liked doing the leaf printing - a nice autumn crafty thing to do! I thought Elizabeth could cut them all out for her scrapbook. Have a great weekend too. x

  10. Such lovely pics as always. LOVE your idea of recording the model creations, they're shot so beautifully! Jude xx

  11. oh its all so lovely...your life looks great!!

  12. More gorgeous pictures...I especially love your leaf prints, I will try that with my daughter this weekend. Fab idea to make a book of the junk modelling - I also feel guilt when I throw the 100th picture of fairy into the recycling. Have a looks at this blog post for excellent ways to use kid's drawings (so many good ideas on this blog)


    Shopping in Chichester with your girl - how lovely, I am jealous. I grew up near there and dream of returning one day. xx

  13. lovely pictures, I haven't printed off any of my photos, I really should. I like the way your keeping a record of their creations, they really are brilliant! I like your idea with the stamps, I have some maybe I will make a collage too, Heather x
