6 Nov 2012

52 Weeks of Happy 2/52

This weeks happy!

♥ Our new (to us!) garden playhouse from Ebay. I cant wait to paint it and make it all pretty.

♥ Wearing my brooch, a lovely gift from a friend.

♥ Watching the fireworks out of Elizabeth's bedroom window - they were so excited.

♥ Books from the library - Its nice to have some different bedtime stories this week.


  1. Lovely happy things Caroline ... we have a playhouse ... half painted and prettified ... can't wait to spring to finish it ... and love your brooch ... Bee xx

    1. Thanks Bee, yes I'm thinking it will be a nice little project in the spring. xx

  2. Oh that brooch is so, so lovely! We have a playhouse too, but we need to take it down as the Boy is sadly too big for it. But it was so much fun - they'll love it! x

    1. I'm hoping they will have lots of fun in it, it's nice for them to still be able to play in there when the weathers not so great too. It has a little upstairs bit so I'm hoping to make it all cozy up there. xx

  3. that playhouse looks so fun, and I love the brooch too! x

    1. Yes it's really sweet, Ive put it on my coat so I can wear it lots. xx

  4. Lovely happy things - love that brooch, so cute. Was just saying on Jen's blog that I should join in with this x

    1. Oh yes do Karen, it's a really lovely idea and great to see others Happy posts too. xx

  5. There was much nose-pressed-up-against-window bedtime firework watching in our house! I love that brooch, very cute. x

    1. Yes same here, Elizabeth had a little red nose from where she must have squashed it against the window so much! xx

  6. oh your going to have fun with that play house, just think of all the little touches you can do ! also love the brooch, Heather x

    1. I know I'm already thinking colours and curtain fabric! I might even have to put some carpet down with some cushions in the upstairs bit. xx

  7. We were given a similar play house I really enjoyed painting it in pretty colours. We used the garden shades paint and you can make your own tones mixing a pot of cream with colourful tester pots to make more subtle pastel colours. I hope you get to do it soon if the rain holds off.

    1. I'm quite looking forward to it, that sounds like a great idea with the paints. Yes I might have to work on the inside decoration for now and paint the outside when the weathers nicer. xx

  8. Nick's brooch is lovely, I am very envious! We too have a playhouse that needs painting but I seem to always find a reason to delay starting. Lovely happies - it's a great project isn't it?

    1. We are trying to get our house decorated at the moment - hopefully before christmas, so I'm not sure we will get it painted just yet. I'd like to make the inside all cozy though so it's still nice to play in there at this time of. Yes It's a really lovely project. xx

  9. Yay hurray for happies! I let the kids paint our playhouse - as a result it looks pretty atrocious/creative but one side has been very nicely rendered after Max had fun mixing sand in with the paint! Have somehow managed to miss your last couple of posts...bad timing of when you post and when I read...AMAZING photos as always. xx

    1. Ha, that's brilliant, I bet they had loads of fun with that.
      Aw thanks Rachel. xx

  10. i love the brooch - what a lovely gift and the playhouse looks like fun. not a night goes by in our house where a book isn't read. charlie & lola a favourite with penny. i agree this project is a good one. happy photos. xo

    1. I love our bedtime stories and it's always nice to have something different to read for a change. Yes Elizabeth just loves Charlie and Lola too. xx

  11. That Morten and Me brooch would make me very happy too :-)

    1. Hi Col, yes its really sweet, such a happy little face. Hope your doing ok. xx

  12. He he! I am just catching up with blogs and I looked at this and thought, 'that looks like something I make'. I am so tired that I can't think straight! So glad you like it. I am a big fan of trips to the library. We still go now and order the books they want. Thanks again, Nick xx

    1. Aw bless, yes I really love it. Ive put it on my coat so I can wear it lots and have had lots of lovely comments.
      Going to the library is something we should really do more often here, I must get into the routine of going back and exchanging for some different ones. Elizabeth loved choosing them and it's so close to us. xx
