18 Nov 2012

Hello Mr Squirrel







Another gorgeous sunny day. Another Autumn walk in the park. This time we remembered to stop off on the way and buy some nuts to feed the squirrels. Its so sweet watching them take all the nuts from your hand and bury them in what looks like random little holes in the ground, storing them all up in preparation for the winter months. I do wonder how they ever find them all again.

Some of the trees were starting to look quite wintry now, with just a few little leaves still hanging on. Elizabeth loved playing in all the fallen leaves, shuffling her way around the bandstand to achieve as much crunching noise as possible. She called it her rustle walk!


  1. That is one tame squirrel! Lovely photos xx

    1. Thanks Nick, they really are so tame there. I guess they are so used to people bringing them nuts to eat. I was really surprised when we first went there as coming from the I.O.W (where they have red ones) I had never really seen many before. xx

  2. I can't believe how tame that squirrel is!! We have lots around here but they are shy. It looks like a perfect autumn park visit. My two never tire of kicking the fallen leaves. Mind you, I'm 34 and I still like to do it. x

  3. Amazing photos, what a wonderful looking walk. Have a good week x

  4. Oh that squirrel ... I am amazed how close it will get ... and who doesn't love kicking through the leaves ... we were doing the same this morning ... love the look of pure glee on Elizabeth's face ... Bee xx

  5. I love a good rustle walk too. A cute duck too! Have a happy week :)

  6. Gorgeous Autumn pictures - I love the one of Elizabeth in the bandstand - so full of life. And in contrast, wee Archie nodding off on the bench - brilliant!

    I adore squirrels, we have two in our garden. We've had them for years, but I think they are another generation as we used to have one who came up to the french windows and knocked for food! x

  7. Lovely shots for an Autumn day, and cute squirrel too, he must of been so happy to see you guys coming.

  8. Well done on capturing the squirrel, in photo form I mean! Every time I try and get near one, they scarper! :)

  9. I'm so rubbish at taking pictures of squirrels - they never stay still enough for me around here...they are far too shifty!

    Pure gorgeousness.

    Nina x

  10. Great pics of the squirrel! There's one that lives in our neighbour's tree - it's so cute to watch. x
