16 Dec 2012







A walk along the beach yesterday, enjoying just a little sunshine. I don't feel like we have been out much lately - we've been so busy at home trying to get the decorating finished and generally getting ready for Christmas so it made a nice change. The waves there were enormous and we stood for some time watching them in amazement. They were so loud too as they pulled all the shingle away with them down the beach.
And of course there was treasure to be found. Elizabeth took this complete shell home with her for her show and tell at school, along with pockets full of other bits and pieces.
Thank you if you commented on this last post, I somehow managed to loose my page while uploading the photos and didn't realise it had published a few. But yes I do have snow on my blog - the little flakes change direction with the cursor, though they dont always seem to appear! I used this simple link here, if anyone else fancies some little snowflakes falling on their blog. Hope you all have a great week. x 


  1. i can see white spots falling like snow...or am i seeing things i shouldn't be!? hope all is well. xo

    1. Ha, yes there are spots of snow falling. I thought they were quite sweet for Christmas. xx

  2. Caroline you've made it snow! That made me smile.
    Jo x

  3. Love the snow ... and those waves look amazing ... my postie brought me a beauitful package of happiness this morning Caroline ... thank you so so much ... I feel very spoilt ... Bee xxx

    1. Oh that's great, so glad you received it. xx

  4. Wow - that wave soaring over the breakers is amazing...and rippled. We collect driftwood when we take walks along the beach at this time of year. It makes the best wood for burning.

    Nina x

    1. They really were amazing, it was great watching them ripple along like that. I think they have to be the biggest waves I have seen so close up. xx

  5. Your kids always look like they're having the best adventures :-) x

    1. Aw thanks col, they do love being outside exploring. xx

  6. divinas las fotos!!!
    los copos de nieve son magicos...

  7. Oh! to live by the sea.... lovely pics as always x

  8. oh yes the snow is fun! lovely photos, Heather x

  9. I love the snow effect, what fun!

    Those photos of the waves gave me goosebumps. xx
