2 Jan 2013



Happy New Year everyone! Hope you all had a lovely Christmas. Ours wasn't the best as I had flu. What I thought was just a cold and would be gone for Christmas actually turned into something really horrible and I'm still getting over it now. I haven't been out much or taken many photos lately but we have been for a couple of walks - we've been to feed the squirrels at the park and went to the Witterings on New years day. I think everyone else had the same idea though as it was crazy busy, I have never seen a beach so packed at this time of year.

Anyhow after a little blogging break I'm ready to get back to this little space of mine and I'm very much looking forward to catching up with all your blogs. Wishing you all a very happy and healthy 2013 lovely people. xx


  1. Happy New Year! Poor you, I hope you start to feel a lot better soon. It's never a good time to be poorly especially when you have kids! x

    1. And meant to say - a squirrel on your foot! Amazing shot. x

    2. Thanks Jen, yes all that build up to the holidays and then Im ill the whole time! I had so much I wanted to do with the kids while they were off, think they still had a good Christmas though. The squirrels come really close there - especially you have nuts for them. xx

  2. Happy New Year and hope you are feeling better, I remember we went to the Witterings in the summer, never again!! was thinking it wouyld be nice in the winter...maybe not, and whats with that squirrel.....love it. x

    1. Thanks Tracey, yes I remember seeing your post in the summer with all the people. It's not somewhere we really go because of the traffic getting there. I guess it was the first nice day in ages too but I don't think we will be going back for a while! xx

  3. Oh so sorry to hear you have been unwell Caroline ... and glad to hear you are feeling better ... wishing you a healthy happy new year too ... I still can't get over the squirrel ... so tame ... Bee xx

    1. Aw thanks Bee. They are super tame there and quite happily eat the nuts from your hand. Once the word gets out that someone has nuts they all come out of the trees and gather round, it's really sweet. xx

  4. I'm sorry you've been so poorly Caroline. My husband has something similar and he's been really unwell with it. I love the squirrel shot!

    1. Thank you, yes it's been a really horrible bug. I've not been this unwell for years, it's just left me feeling so tired. xx

  5. Oh Caroline I'm so sorry to hear you were so ill over Christmas!! That is rotten - and proper flu too - you must be exhausted after that. Take good care of yourself; I suppose the year can only get better!! Lots of love. xxx

  6. So sorry to hear you were ill all through Christmas, how rubbish. I hope you're on the mend now. Witterings on New Years Day - sounds like heaven, but I can see that it would be busy, it's so beautiful! Gorgeous photos as always, especially the ones in the sand dunes.

    Gillian x

  7. Happy New Year Caroline, glad you're on the mend, being so poorly at Christmas sucks. Beautiful photographs x

  8. Beautiful pictures, your children are so lovely.
    I wish you and your lovely family all the best, happy new year!!

  9. I lately looks good! Happy 2013! :) x

  10. Happy New Year! Sorry to hear you've been ill - glad you're on the men though! x

  11. Happy New Year Caroline! Hope you're over the flu now and have a super 2013

  12. Happy New Year to you Caroline!
    There can't be a worse time to be sick than over Christmas, you poor thing. Glad you're on the mend now. Hopefully you left the sickness bug back in 2012 and this year brings you health, happiness and photo opportunities a-plenty!
    I can't believe the squirrel on your foot! He's not shy is he?
    Jo x

  13. Beautiful post. I have nominated you for a Leibster blog award, popover if you want to take part x

  14. Hi Caroline, sorry you were poorly at Christmas. That's rubbish! Hope you are much better now . Happy new year, love Nick xx
