13 Mar 2013


Hello! Its gorgeous and sunny here today and the snow has nearly all disappeared. I don't think I have ever done a 'lately' post with such varying weather! It was all starting to feel quite warm and spring like last week, then the rain came... and then the cold and the snow.

We have still been getting out and about though - I'm kind of done with staying at home because its too cold and rainy to get out. Archie loved playing with his little cars on the skate ramp in the rain, he always takes a little bag with a few cars in if we go out. We even made a visit to the beach and the park in the snow, it was absolutely freezing though so we didn't stay long. I loved seeing all the icicles hanging from the rows of beach huts down there - so pretty.

Anyhow hopefully that's the last of our cold snaps now and we can really get on with some spring weather.


  1. Nice pics!
    I still can't believe it went back to snow again... i'm sure this time last year we were having a heat wave... ? Anyway, today the sun is shining again and it feels good. :) x

  2. What a lot of snow ... it makes for beautiful pictures ... Bee xx

  3. Lovely photos, can't believe the snows back again!



  4. Lets hope this is the last of the cold weather, I've certainly missed feeling the sun on my face.
    Lovely pictures :-)

  5. Love those pictures :)

    Vintage Inspired Fashion by Independent Designers for Your Little darling

  6. those boots in the snow are so so fabulous. just what i needed to make my heart cheery. xo

  7. The icicles are really pretty. At Christmas icicle lights are hung outside on houses but the real thing is so much better! x

  8. Wow, you had quite a bit of snow! We've had freezing wind and snow showers all week but no proper snow. Brilliant shot of the snowy beach.

    Gillian x

  9. last week you had sandy lolly pops this week snow - madness!

  10. Your photos almost make me appreciate the wonderful varied weather we have been having - I so love your reflection photos.
