27 Mar 2013

Nature in the home

I bought these succulents a few weeks ago now and the middle one has since started flowering. I love the coral pink colour of the flowers on those long stems and the greyish leaves. These are currently sat on top of a sideboard in the bedroom, though I am trying to get the room finished and make that into a little work space, so they might well find another home.

The little succulents in my letter planter have started growing already. I was a little worried they might have all died a few days later, after being separated and having such little space, but they seem to be pretty happy in there! It will be interesting to see what it looks like in a few weeks.

Linking in with Lou of little green shed and her Nature in the home series.


  1. I love succulents! yours are so beautiful and I never saw the one that is in the middle.
    Have a great day!

  2. They are my absolute favorite you have inspired me to go to the garden centre to see what I can find! X

  3. Gorgeous photographs, you must be very good with your cacti plants (I am rather jealous, I have never managed to make any of my cacti bloom)! /maria x

    1. Ha, I think it must just be luck as I really haven't done anything with them since I bought them - I think they've only been watered once! x

  4. so gotta get me some of these, they are truly gorgeous! xxx lovely post and pics hope you have a fab week xxxx

  5. These are just fantastic and such great photos too! Glad to have found your blog via nature in the home! xx

  6. Oh well done!! Ive Never managed to get a succulant to flower, they just tend to gather dust?! Xxx

  7. These look amazing Caroline.. I think you've just inspired me to 'go succulent'! X

  8. your photos are lovely, as are those plants, I'd love some but seem to kill off anything in a pot...are they tricky?? x x x

    1. They're super easy... so far anyway! I just plonked them in some new pots the same size and watered them a couple of weeks ago and they've just been left since then. I'm hoping they will be like my money plant, I never remember to water it and I've had it for years! xx

  9. Gorgeous photos, what camera do you use? Chel x

    1. Thank you! I actually used my iPhone for these, but usually a cannon eos 1100d. x

  10. You have such a good eye Caroline, I don't think I've ever seen a shot of yours I haven't drooled over! x

  11. I can't pass a cacti and not say hello...so hello!

  12. The flowering one is amazing ... I love the colour ... Bee xx

  13. Hello. I found you from Julie's blog and I love your approach and your blog. I will follow the blog with interest :)

  14. I also discovered your blog via Julia's. The photos are amazing. I sent a link to a friend of mine and he also loved your photographs. They're beautiful.


  15. These are beautiful! And you've shared such lovely images :)

    I have decided I need a few succulents to add life to my studio :)

  16. you may have converted me!...the last pic did it. seriously gorgeous!. popping in via lou....have a great weekend x

  17. your photos are brilliant and the middle plant looks amazing with its flowers, katie x

  18. Lovely photos, those pink flowers are very pretty. I really like succulents and want to buy a few, they're so ornamental looking.
