30 Apr 2013

Garden moodboard and monthly mosaic - April

Hello. Just squeezing in my garden moodboard for April before the month is over - Joining in with Karin A Photography and her collections of things from the garden each month. Its so nice to see a bit more colour appearing out there now. The spring weather is finally here and I love it!

These little photos are all from April from my Instagram. I will be happy to say hello to a new month, April wasn't a great one here really. It saw a family loss (my grandad) a breakup (mine!) and lots of illness. We are still getting over all the illness, still have funeral arrangements to be made and I'm still coming to terms with now being a single mum - but surely things can only get better in May!


  1. hope may brings you more sunshine and happiness. (i have been a single mum, its hard work but all will be great in the end)x

  2. Gorgeous blooms from your garden. Love the colours in your Instagram collage too. Wishing you a May full of promise, positivity and smiles :) x

  3. Lovely colourful images. Hoping things improve for you. Much love xo

  4. Oh No, i guess it can't get any worse, your photos are fab as always and I love the mood board idea.
    Lots of luck to you. x

  5. I'm so sorry to hear that. Appreciate you shared and I wish you as much love, peace and happy moments as in May can be from your children and all the close people around you.

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment. Sharing personal stuff on here isn't something I find easy and I did ponder over whether to post anything or not - but I figured that this little space is my online journal and I want it to be a record of both the good and bad. xx

    2. I completely understand you it isn't easy to share the personal stuff, I hope at least you'll find comfort that we all here and I hope I can speak for everyone wish you the best and if only we knew what to do to support you, we'd do it!

  6. Oh Caroline, I'm so sorry. What a rubbish month. Your photos and posts have been as beautiful and inspiring as always and it's awful to think what you've been going through behind the scenes. Take care lovely. xx

    1. Thank you Gillian, that's really lovely to hear. After a little blogging break over Easter I lost my inspiration for a bit but I really missed it - Its been nice to have something else to think about! xx

  7. Words don't seem appropriate - but so sorry to hear your news. Hope that May proves a better month. Your photos as always as inspirational.
    Take care,

  8. Some times bad things work out for the better…May can only bring happier moments ahead :)

    Lovely photos as always x

  9. Gosh so many changes to get your head around all at the same time. You are starting a new chapter in your life, I'm not sure how much choice you had in this (obviously none when a loved one dies) but you will adapt and your new life will unfurl. Wishing you lots of strength and I hope you have lots of support of family and friends (that includes those on here!) take care xxx

    1. Thank you so much Ada, your lovely comments mean a lot. xx

  10. So sorry to hear that, stay strong and look after yourself. Your children are beautiful, huge hugs xx

  11. Oh Caroline ... I'm so sorry to hear you have been having a rough time ... just know that time will heal ... stay strong and I hope May brings you much happiness ... sending hugs your way ... Bee xx

  12. So sorry to read you've been having a tough time of it. Hopefully summer will bring some sunshine and smiles along with it :)

    Just realised I've not done my mood board yet ... I guess there's still time, yes?

  13. Hi Caroline, sorry to hear of all that's been happening. I hope you find some healing and creative things to do that will help. It's a long road being a single parent, but if it's how it has to be then I hope more good things come for you. All the best Heather x

    1. P.S thanks for the link to the 'push up bra blogging', I am dipping in now and then, it's good! x

  14. oh Caroline! i bet you do need a new month. wishing sunshine and happiness for you xxxxx

  15. Onwards and Upwards Caroline, stay strong. Always a joy to see your pictures and share in your 'scraps'. X

  16. Oh Caroline, I have been such a haphazard blogger that I had managed to miss this post. I am so sorry to hear that you had such a hard time last month, I hope that May is being kind to you, I wish you happier times in the future. Stay strong lovely. Rachel xxx
