24 Apr 2013

Nature in the home

Encouraged by Lou this week to forage, these were all found in our garden. We have a little patch of wild and self seeded flowers at the top of our garden amongst the grass, like these forget-me-not's and pretty yellow celandine. I managed to go around them when I did our first mow this week and so some of these come from there. I also found our first bluebell and a couple of periwinkles tucked behind some bushes too - hidden away from any little perfume making hands!

Linking in with Lou of little green shed and her nature in the home series.


  1. I am impressed, and not a little envious, of the colour you found in your garden! Gorgeous displays, and I do like those shelves. x

  2. Just so beautiful - I am totally off to paint my walls white because of you!

  3. Beautiful arrangements, am so jealous that your forget-me-nots are starting to flower, I love them but ours appear to be a little while off yet.

  4. Everything look beautiful, love all your flowers.

    Have a lovely day!


  5. Gorgeous flowers and gorgeous photos - as always.

  6. Beautiful Caroline ... the last little posy is just gorgeous ... and like Gillian I am a little envious of your beautiful colourful flowers ... ours are still all yellow and green :) ... thank you for your lovely birthday wishes earlier ... Bee xx

  7. beautiful, beautiful display x

  8. oh very lovely, wish the bluebells in our garden would hurry up and come out.

  9. Wow, some beautiful colours in your garden!
    Love the shelves!

  10. Love this so much! Your blog is lovely - how have I only just found you!

  11. Gorgeous, especially the vase with the mustardy yellow flowers, your garden must be beautiful if you can find all these flowers there! /maria

  12. Oh, I love forget-me-nots! Such lovely blooms in your garden :)

  13. So so pretty!!!! It just goes to show that tiny weed style flowers are most definitely the prettiest. xx

  14. oh those are just sublime and you caught them in photos so well! lovely post...now why the heck have i no flowers in my garden yet!!!!

  15. such lovely flowers... I agree with Lou, I think I love the wild/weed flowers the best x

  16. Wow lovely pictures! Your blog is amazing :) xx

  17. What a beautiful mix of colours you've found. I have garden envy - love the sound of a wildflower patch. x

  18. The colours! Love the colours you have found!

  19. Oh an ode to spring time if I ever saw one! These are all magnificent! perfecto! xxoo

  20. I LOVE this! You've inspired me to create a little wildflower patch in our garden

  21. Gosh I'm not sure what I love more, the pretty selection of flowers or those magnificent shelves, just gorgeous! x

  22. So much early colour I'm jealous - very beautiful I just love simple jars too
    Sue x

  23. The last two photos are simply gorgeous, the colours are fabulous and each flower so pretty in its own way, thanks for showing us, katie x

  24. Wow. Those forget me nots are just gorgeous. Actually, the whole arrangement is. I like your shelves too (:
