8 May 2013

Nature in the home...

Linking in again with lovely Lou of little green shed and her Nature in the home series. Lou had encouraged us to go forage some more this week, so we have been exploring for some bits and pieces beyond our garden! These feathers were all found this weekend at a country park we went to. Elizabeth loved doing this with me, getting excited when we found a pretty coloured one.

The beach treasures were also found this week - the handless and slightly chewed diver man not so natural, but definitely had to be included! I also had to show some pics of the E planter I did a few weeks ago. I have left it on the bathroom windowsill since I planted it and remembered to give it a little water occasionally and its grown loads. I really thought all those little succulent pieces would just die after I had separated them!

I was a bit surprised to discover my 'hello May' picture from last weeks post had been used by so many other people on Instagram as their own. I do find it a bit strange when people on there just take others pictures and say they had taken it themselves. I'm always more than happy for people to share my pics, but it would have been nice if they had just put a credit! I have seen others I follow on there have problems with people using their pics - though I guess didn't think people would take mine. I realised from one that it had been posted on Tumblr and had a crazy (but lovely) 35'000 notes so I think people had maybe seen it from there. Anyhow enough rambling but it does make you wonder if other images have been used like that too - I only realised as I happen to come across one of them!

Also a big thank you for all your wonderful comments and messages lately, they really mean a lot. xx


  1. Love all those feathers and forages.
    I am always amazed when people just asummed it is ok to use something someone else has taken. Sadly in this day and age, it is impossible to stop.
    You take lovely photo's so I am not surprised people are using them, you need to set up a business!
    Hope you are surviving with everything going on. x

    1. Thank you Tracey. Yes I guess that's just the way it is - Instagram seems particularly bad for people just taking rather than sharing though! it does make me feel a little differently about putting pictures of the kids on there too. I have seen peoples feeds that are just pictures of other peoples kids and stuff, like fake families - so weird! xx

  2. Beautiful, beachy treasures
    So sad to hear you pic had been stolen and used like that...I just don't get it!

  3. I love your photos so can see why people would like to share them but to take without crediting and to claim them as your own is just awful, that's the problem with the internet though I suppose! Love the feathers by the way, they are beautiful x

    1. Thank you. Yes I don't think anyone minds people sharing their pics if they are credited but I cant imagine wanting to pretend someone else's picture was my own. I wasn't too bothered as it is only a blackboard picture and nothing personal but I do find it a bit weird when you read comments underneath about how 'they' did it! xx

  4. Gosh that's quite bonkers to have your pics stolen like that (well I do know it happens I just like to think not) but you should be flattered - so many likes, just a shame they didn't appear on your account!! x

    1. Thank you Polly, ha yes I know what you mean. it is lovely to have been re-blogged so many times and very flattering - just a bit weird to come across it on others accounts like that I guess. xx

  5. Ramble away, that's what we are here for. Great finds this week, all those feathers, wow. the succulents are looking good too. Not had anyone nicking my photos but I know a bloggerfriend who had a whole post nicked and passed off by another as their's. horrible. take care, Katie x

    1. Aw thank you. Yes we made a pretty good collection - and that's without the white ones as they didn't show up on the background. Yes that's just a bit odd isn't it! xx

  6. Each week Caroline you blow me away with the beauty and unique styling of your images. LOVE. Pretty flipping perfect if you ask me. Those feathers! As for your Hello May image. I put it on my facebook page and pinned it but gave you full credit. It was wonderful. I think some people just aren't very creative so they see something they like and copy - it's easier for them. It doesn't make it right though. xx

    1. Aw thank you so much Lou, that's so lovely of you to say. And thank you for sharing too, I always love it when people share my pics and hope it didn't come across that I mind that - its just a bit odd when you come across people talking about an image as if it was theirs. Yes I think your right! xx

  7. love that E planter! i can see why your pic was used that way as it was an awesome pic but it is very unfair to not get any credit for it! my son would be very impressed with your feather collection, too.

    1. Thank you. Elizabeth actually took all the feathers in to school this week to show her little friends. xx

  8. I too love that E planter - how cool! The feathers are just wispy perfection

  9. I love the feather images - that little pale blue one is so sweet.

    Shame about your images being used in that way. I try not to think about the possibility of mine being pinched as I'd just get annoyed! Best to think of it as flattery I suppose...

    S :)

    1. Thank you, we liked the tiny blue ones best too. Yes that's true. xx

  10. beautiful really gorgeous, you have such a huge talent, it doesn't surprise me your images are being pinched but i think it stinks! its just to rude x

  11. Sorry Caroline I've been so out of the loop lately but have just been catching up with your posts. Looks like April was as crap for you as it was for us, so I'm very sorry to hear that. Like you say May can only get better. Thinking of you guys.

    I love your photography so much and sadly I'm not surprised to hear that your image has been stolen as it's just stunning. But that doesn't excuse people pinching the picture and claiming it as their own. Boo to them all.

    PS Love the new rocking picture of you - looking gorgeous lady! x

    1. Thank you so much Jen. Yes I'm really hoping May will be better! xx

  12. Love the feathers! What an original take on Lou's nature series. And that sea treasure - just brilliant. I think your composition is partly why your photos are so awesome. You have a knack for arrangement and display. :-)

    Enjoy the rest of your week. Gorgeous photo, by the way. xx

  13. Stunning pictures as always, you really are very creative :) Can't believe anyone would do that to your picture without asking and even crediting?! Amazing take on this, my boy would love those feathers ;) Huge huge thank you to my little name on your blog read list...wow thank you so much!! Big hugs to you xx

  14. Beautiful photos. I think it's rather sad that people would pass other's photos off as their own but it must be a shock when you see your own used.
    Penny x

  15. You really do compose the most gorgeous pics Caroline. I love the feathers, another blogger I follow collects feathers too - I'd always been lead to believe they had fleas so except for the odd cockatoo feather I was never really all that keen to pick them up (I'm not a germophobe just a flea-a-phobe!) but if it's good enough for you then I'm gonna keep my eyes peeled for some pretty ones from now on!

    Your Hello May pic was totally beautiful, I'm not surprised it got a lot of attention but people are very rude not to credit you when using it. x

  16. Beautiful images! I also can't understand why someone would pass your image off as theirs..

  17. Love those photos, feathers are so pretty! :) Great mood and tones. Have a lovely day!

  18. Your images are always stunning, so it doesn't surprise me that people pinch them. It's a problem I've had, and in fact one of mine was used commercially without my permission and without attribution. It's difficult to stop, as others have said, although disabling right click helps if you're really bothered. (The people who pass off pics of other folks kids as there own scare me, frankly!)

  19. love your photos of the feather... just gorgeous! I'm really enjoying your instagram feed too, I love your compositions :)

  20. I like your sense of design.

  21. Wow, what lovely compositions. (: I used to love collecting feathers as a girl too, whenever I found a cockatoo crest was always the most exciting. I can feel Elizabeth's excitement over the coloured ones, as I would have been just the same!

  22. Beautiful picture as ever.

    That's so crap that someone has taken your May picture without crediting it. Can you challenge them? I sometimes think Instagram and Pinterest make people think everything is a bit of free for all, but claiming a shot is their work when it clearly isn't is just plain stealing isn't it? And boo to that.

  23. Oh, utterly beautiful. I adore a nature collage. Thankyou for your stunning images this morning.
