27 Jun 2013

On the farm...

These pictures are from last weekend when we spent the day at Fishers Farm. The kids had a great time and were just the right age to enjoy most of the rides there. Archie especially loved the tractor ride (he is tractor obsessed!) and the toddler zip wire - such a great idea! Elizabeth loved the trampolines and the panning for gems. She proudly took her little bag of treasure in the next day to show all her little friends.


  1. Your photos are fantastic. You have a great eye. So many good memories in these photos.

  2. Lovely photos as always x I miss days out like this now my boys are bigger x hay bales were always a favourite ;) xxx

  3. oh to have something like this close by....my kids would be in heaven. your pics are lovely x

  4. What a great day out Caroline ... my littles would love the barrel train ... and panning for gems sounds like something I would love ... Bee xx

  5. Panning for gems - what a nice idea. I took my boy to a farm on Wednesday, he loved it all. x

  6. What beautiful pictures your kids are adorable. I remember my son being obsessed with tractors and diggers at that age too ~ Sarah x

  7. Hi Caroline, Thank you for becoming my latest follower and introducing me to your lovely blog. it looks as if we share similar interests - sea, flowers and vintage. Your children always look as if they are having fun! We are holidaying in Selsey later in the year it looks as if it may be quite close to you.
    Sarah x

  8. Many happy memories for my son (and me!) at Fishers Farm. Albeit a few years ago. At 15 I'm not sure he'd appreciate it now.
    The Christmas holidays were always great. Lights in the wooded walk - and a mince pie and hot chocolate. Magical. :-)

  9. I love these pictures Caroline, especially the little birds and the lovely flower garland :) Your little ones look like they loved every minute of it! Hope your having a lovely weekend, Safxxx

  10. Great shots! We had a fab day out there, it's a really lovely place isn't it x
