27 Jul 2013


▲ Archie on the trampoline he got for his birthday
▲ The birthday boy - 3 already!!
▲ Picnics in the garden
▲ Filling up the paddling pool and making rain
▲ A frog found in the garden
▲ Elizabeth's teacher gifts - some plants she grew from seed
▲ At Marwell Zoo
▲ Pears and roses in the garden
▲ Archie's play-doh dinner / Elizabeth's play-doh dinner
▲ Watering the garden (and feet) before bed
▲ At the beach


  1. I love that mosaic! Hope you are doing ok xx

  2. So many more beautiful pictures Caroline ... capturing perfect little moments in time ... I love the frog and the mosaic and graphics at the zoo ... hope you are enjoying your weekend ... Bee xx

  3. You've summed up summer fantastically well here, love your summer picture on the last post too! Enjoy! :) x

  4. That blue of the water in the paddling pool - wowzer! Elizabeth has some lucky teachers too - what a green fingered clever clogs! Love those wooden labels. Xx

  5. These pictures sum up summer so well. Great shots as always and glad your little boy had a wonderful birthday xx

  6. It looks like your summer is going very well Caroline :) I love the pic of your children having a picnic, its also a lovely idea to give hand grown plants as teachers gifts :) Love the pics of marwell zoo too, you all must be having fun :) safxxx

  7. Gorgeous images as ever....

    Daisy j x

    Ps caroline I am considering buying an SLR camera know nothing about them...need to start learning...any advice reccomendations...what do you use...I want basic but good...about 400 budget.?

    Hope its not to cheeky to ask!!

    1. Hi no I don't mind at all, though I'm afraid I don't know all that much! I have a Canon EOS 1100D which I think was just under 300. It's their entry level, more basic model so might be good option. I'm pretty pleased with mine! Nikon do a similar priced entry level model too, though I cant remember what it was called. You might be able to go up a step from those with you budget though! Hope that helps a little. xx

  8. All so very beautiful and Happy belated birthday Archie...happy Summer holidays.

    Nina x

  9. Such beautiful photos - that second one of Archie is really nice, he looks all suntanned and happy. Hope he enjoyed his birthday. Love Elizabeth's handwriting on her presents! x

  10. Happy birthday Archie - hope you had a lovely day! x

  11. gorgeous gorgeous and then more gorgeous! xxxx
