17 Jul 2013

Nature in the home - round

I just love these big sunflowers I bought this week, they're so sunny and cheerful. I definitely think they fit in with Lou's theme of round this week, with their huge circular centres. I've put them by my little shelf space and had to include a picture of them there, to show just how big they are. The stems look giant when magnified in the vase like that!

We have grown our own sunflowers from seed this year too, though they're still looking pretty small at the moment. Hopefully we will at some point, get some big sunny flowers in our garden too.

Linking in with lovely Lou of little green shed and the last of her Spring/Summer nature in the home series. I'm looking forward to joining in again after the summer break with the Autumn series. x


  1. I love sunflowers, they really do make you happy.

  2. I have just saved the first image in a folder on my desktop that I am keeping for inspiration for when I buy my first house, I hope you don't mind. It's beautiful :)

    1. Aw no I don't mind at all, that's so lovely thank you. x

  3. I love them...perfect sunny faces x

  4. Lovely, I like your dinky shelves.

  5. Gorgeous! Sunflowers are my all time favorite and I'm looking forward to when mine begin to bloom.

  6. Love them ... round, happy and bright ... Bee xx

  7. They're huge! Love how the golden petals really highlight all the yellow around them in that first photo. Fingers crossed your garden sunflowers will be giants like these!x

  8. Amazing, they say summer all over them, enjoy! Heather x

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  10. These are lovely sunflowers Caroline, they look wonderful in your crafty space :) I used to love drawing sunflowers, they always make me feel happy :) Hope your enjoying the lovely sunny weather, safxxx

  11. You can't beat a bunch of sunflowers, Caroline - pure sunshine in a vase. We've grown lots from seed this year and they're doing well. Two have just opened this week. Hope you're all doing ok and coping with the chicken pox. xx

  12. How beautiful & sunny ~ perfect x
