28 Aug 2013

Junk modelling photo book

Last year when Elizabeth was in reception class, I photographed all of her Junk models that she brought home from school. I wanted to keep a record of all her hard work before having to put them back in the recycling!

I have just made them into a little photo book and love how it turned out. I think its a nice way to remember all her makes without taking up any space, plus she loves looking through it.

Now I just need to write on what they all are - I don't want to forget that they're actually a telescope pirate phone, mummy in a windmill or a panda bear on wheels!


  1. Oh my goodness Caroline, that's beautiful! What a wonderful idea, I wish I'd thought of it a few years ago when Max was obsessed with junk modelling...unfortunately quite a few creations have been kept until the they started to fall apart, and then consigned to the bin, without having been recorded in all their glory. Elizabeth will love that book forever, especially because, like all your photos, the quality of the images is outstanding. Gorgeous! x

  2. Beautiful idea Caroline!!! I like so much!!!! :)

  3. What a gorgeous idea Caroline ... I love it ... my littles only made a few junk models but created what seems like thousands of paintings and drawings ... I think your idea might work for them too ... thanks for the inspiration ... Bee xx

  4. That is such a lovely and clever idea! I have kept (mostly) everything 's made so far and already have a box full of stuff, even though he's never been much into junk modelling.. I don't like throwing stuff away but I can't keep everything either, a photo book is just the perfect way to record those creations. Love it!

  5. Wish if thought of this! I might have to go up on the loft and retrieve those creations at some point. It would free up the space. I'm sure your daughter will love looking at the book in years to come too.

  6. Great idea Caroline, our junk models are long gone, should of thought of that, perfect, think you will set of a trend here! x

  7. Oh my this is genius! I shall so be doing this for reception! Thank you so much xxx

  8. Nice idea, I'm so sentimental, I have some tatty bits in the Christmas box, about 20 years old but can't bear to throw them. EE xx

  9. Brilliant idea, I love it x Penny

  10. You are so creative!! great, great idea!!

    Hope you can join the challenge at my blog!


  11. What a great idea - Tabitha's is all in a box in the loft...labelled art.

    Nina x

  12. Such a great idea! We take photos of most things that come home too, but I never thought to have a book made. I love it.

  13. Caroline you amaze me regularly with your creative genius! This book is so beautiful for Elizabeth to keep as a memento.
    What lucky kids to have such an inspiring Mum. x

  14. really nice idea! love it. Heather x

  15. Elizabeth is a talented little thing :) my favourites are no.4 and 9, there really very cute indeed! Such a lovely idea to make it into a book, safxxx

  16. Love this idea - it appeals to my minimalist side but also my sentimental one. Your photos are lovely as always x

  17. aw, they're brilliant! love the book idea too, so lovely to have them all together x

  18. I love this so much! The models are SO cool, and beautifully photographed on white. Putting them all together in a book is a really lovely idea. (My favourite is the yellow creature with red lips and googly eyes) x

  19. Such a brilliant and loverly idea, Caroline, you are clever! I may have to pinch it, if that's OK, with the Bear starting this year x
