22 Aug 2013

Life lately...

Hello, I'm back! I must say its been quite nice to have a bit of a blogging break, to just spend some time with the kids in the holidays without trying to fit it in. I haven't actually taken that many photos either - opting to just keep it simple and use my phone camera on many of our outings. These are a few of the pictures I have taken, there has been:

▲ A picnic at the beach, watching the seagulls and the boats racing
▲ Playing pirates with a treasure map and hidden gold in the garden
▲ Giant footprint painting
▲ Play camping in the garden with foraged (from the kitchen) food on the campfire
▲ At the beach again
▲ Painting bird houses - this ones Archie's, everything he paints is brown!
▲ A day spent at Butlins - the family pedal cars and playing in the water fountains were favourites!
▲ Spending time with family on the beach in Bournemouth

I cant believe we have only a couple of weeks left before the start of school. The holidays seem to be just whooshing by so fast. I think we have fitted quite a bit in so far and have also had plenty of chilled, no plans kind of days too. Looking back at my list there's only a couple of bits we haven't actually done! Since we weren't going on holiday this year, I have also tried to have a few days out including Peppa Pig World and Butlins - a couple of places Elizabeth has been asking endlessly to go to for months! She is already talking about her next visits!

Our last week or so will be spent making the most of our time together, that and preparing for school and nursery in September. I still have some little Archie sized nursery uniforms to buy - Oh my!


  1. Sounds like a similarly chilled out summer to what we've been having ... no holiday here either just days out and everyday fun ... I'm sort of glad that routine is round the corner again ... hope you enjoy the remainder of your holidays ... Bee xx

  2. I love the giant footprint painting - my girls would go mad with that..then probably cover themselves completely in paint!

    Nina x

  3. Your beach pics are lovely Caroline :) looks like you are having a really lovely time together, your children look very happy :) safxxx

  4. me too the giant footprint painting is a great idea and of course always like beach pics. x

  5. your beach photos are beautiful, so light and fresh! x

  6. Serious photography skills going on around here! I love your blog Caroline. :)

  7. Serious photography skills going on around here! I love your blog Caroline. :)
