25 Aug 2013

Spinnaker tower

Yesterday we combined a little shopping with a trip up the Spinnaker Tower in Portsmouth. The kids absolutely loved it. I thought they might have been a little nervous of how high we were, but they thought it was great to be able to see so far. They walked and laid on the glass with no worries (I didn't however - it just feels too wrong!) and spent ages just watching the boats and taking it all in. Its definitely something we will do again!


  1. Amazing! I know I would be nervous up there. But the views look ever so beautiful! xo

  2. Beautiful shots! I wouldn't be brave enough to walk on the glass. x

  3. Incredible tower! your kids look so adorable!


  4. What a great idea to do with kids, looks like fun :)

  5. Your a brave bunch going up there, its so high! Must of been a lovely view though, it defiantly looks like it was a good day out together :) safxxx

  6. Amazing photos! I doubt I would have had the courage to go up, let alone walk on the glass xx

  7. We've been a couple of times and I could stand there staring at that view for hours. Fabulous photos! xx
