12 Sept 2013

Bits and bobs...

◦ A super hot day at the beach and park
◦ Finally decorated this display for the boys room
◦ New notebook and pen
◦ In the garden
◦ Special home grown tomato
◦ Chilling on the iPad
◦ Double rainbow

Some bits and bobs from the last week or so. Its hard to believe the first pictures at the beach were from just last week. It feels like the summer is well behind us now. Our shorts and t-shirts have now been replaced with jumpers and coats and the heating has gone on already! I must say Its not my favourite time of year. I'm always sad to say goodbye to summer and get back to the routine of school - and then there's the spiders, far too many spiders!

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Thank you soo much for all your lovely comments on my Etsy shop! I will be adding some more bits very soon. xx


  1. Love your little box with all the cars lucky boys!
    So sad too that summer went out like a light, completely hated the weather this week, partly as we have decorators painting our house outside and partly because I needed to wear socks again!

  2. Hi Caroline, don't worry I know what you mean about the weather and it being cold! It can be a bit glum this time of year but then your pics have brightened my mood today :) I love your funny home grown tomato! And the little wooden shelf display with the cars is brilliant! Love it! The pics of your little boy are very sweet, love the first picture of him by the sea :) Hope your week is going well, safxxx

  3. lovely photos... I particularly love the car shelving... so sweet! congratulations on your lovely shop btw :) x

  4. Sweet little Archie with his pad and pen in hand, looks like you have a little artist there!
    I love the car shelf too and that caterpillar photo is amazing!
    Heating not on yet, I'm holding out as long as I can but I'm sure it won't be long. I'm a bit like you, I really don't like this time of year and I'm dreading the cold!!

  5. I love the car organizer, that is very clever and the colors are terrific. Your tomato is pretty neat!

  6. Lovely photos as always - the little display of vintage toy cars is fab. I know what you mean about saying goodbye to summer but it was so much easier to do that this year feeling that we'd actually had a good, proper summer. And it did get rather cold very quickly! And yes, the spiders...eugh. x

  7. Love the little display shelves for the toy cars x

  8. Love the car display unit, I want one! Or rather I know a small boy who would love one... where did you get it from?

  9. Just a teensy bit in love with the display case from Archie's room! x
