3 Sept 2013

Blackgang Chine...

On Sunday Elizabeth and I went to visit a friend on the Isle of Wight and went to Blackgang Chine for the day. Archie spent the day with his dad so it was nice to just spend some time alone with my girl. We had such a great time, Elizabeth loved it there and was probably just the right age to appreciate all the lands of imagination. She especially loved the cowboy town and the super fast slides on the snakes and ladders.

I'm not sure its really changed much since I used to go when I was small (I used to live on the island!) though I appreciate the wonderful views a bit more now. I think I might have to go back with the boy next summer!


  1. What a great time you had, sometimes it's good to spend time separately with them don't you think! :) x

  2. I had NO idea this place existed - Wow! Yet another reason I'm glad I've found your blog. How frustrating that I think I will have to wait for the small boy to grow a bit before he will appreciate it!

  3. That looks like a fab place need to go sometime.x

  4. Oh wow, that slide looks amazing! As does the stripy wall/stripy dress combo! x

  5. I want to go on that slide too. And I love that little mouse, what a good photo.

  6. We took our eldest when he was little - can't believe how much how familiar it looks after quite a few years. Beautiful photos. Claire xo

  7. Such a beautiful place to visit, your children must've loved every minute :) I remember going there when I was small, brilliant memories of the place :) love the pic of the little mouse too! Safxxx
