27 Sept 2013

Garden moodboard - September

My garden moodboard for September - as always linking in with Karin and Asa and their beautiful collections of flowers and foliage from the garden each month. I think our garden actually has more colour now than it has all summer! Although some are looking a little sad now and there are plenty of weeds too as I haven't really been out there much.

The kids and I  planted some seeds which we did a little late in the year really, so some have only just started blooming this last couple of weeks. Next year we will have to start a little earlier and try and plant things at different times so we get some colour all through the summer.


  1. This looks so pretty, it looks like a canvas photo you would hang in the house!


  2. just gorgeous! I always love your garden mood boards x

  3. very pretty Caroline! your mood boards would make a lovely calender don't you think? Heather x

  4. I really LOVE this garden mood board Caroline :) Its funny but these are the colours I'm going to use to make a quilt for my bed at home, mainly turquoise with some purple, pink, yellow, orange and a little green here and there. I think I will print this mood board to help make it :) Hope all is well for you this week, safxxx

  5. Always love your mood boards. x

  6. I love these colors, especially with the turquoise as a backdrop.

  7. This is beautiful!! I agree with the calendar idea - an idea for your Etsy shop?

  8. Oh the blue Caroline ... just stunning and so many blooms ... Bee xx

  9. Turquoise always gets me and then flowers on top, well I am in heaven x so lovely to appreciate what we grow xox Penny

  10. Tis is a pretty and love the turquoise as a back drop xx

  11. Loving the blooms on that turquoise backdrop. I'm amazed at how much colour there is left in your garden! Mine's looking very straggly indeed. x

  12. Love the bright aqua! Pretty flowers too. :) Thank you for sharing! x

  13. I'd only seen a glimpse till now on Instagram, only just catching up with blogs! These are lovely the Love in the Mist and Cornflowers too :)

  14. Very beaytiful. I love the background colour.

  15. so beautiful. I also really like the bright backgroundcolour

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