22 Oct 2013


A few pictures from the last week or so. The boy has started nursery now which he loves and I must say its quite nice to have a couple of hours in the mornings to myself too. I love the fact that he still comes home for lunch and we get to spend the rest of the afternoon together, either exploring at the park or beach or just playing at home.

Elizabeth is doing really well with her reading lately and usually reads to me before bed - though I have also just started reading some longer books to her bit by bit each night which has made a nice change! She brings me home the sweetest stories she has made at school too. I'm already building up quite a large collection of letters and bits though - I just cant bear to throw any away!

You might have noticed I have some new little blog buttons up there and I am now on Facebook and Twitter - I would love you to find me there if you haven't already!

I think I get Twitter - though I am still totally confused by Facebook. I have never actually used my personal Facebook account so its all new to me! I'm not sure how I like people back when they have a business page. Do I have to do that from my personal page? Also does anyone know how I make my pictures full size? Mine are either teeny tiny or long and thin! I would muchly appreciate any advice! xx


  1. I love how you collect and frame nature - capturing it accordingly with the seasons.

    Nina x

    ps. I think I've already found you :)

  2. It is so nice having some time with the little ones, isn't it? Especially at that age where they are so interested in everything and everything's an adventure.. You are so lucky to have the beach on your doorstep!
    I love your display of postcards, I bought the whale one just the other day ;)
    And I love the shots of the conker and those little flying bits (not sure what they're called!) on the white background - beautiful!
    Have a lovely week xx

  3. Love your photo's as always especially the little seed pod, enjoy those two hours. x

  4. love the photo of the pink flowers... hydrangeas? I'm wondering if the size of the FB photos has anything to do with it automatically finding an image when you post the link... you can override it by clicking on photo/video and uploading your own photo from file before posting, that should hopefully sort it :) x

  5. Such lovely photos, glad everything seems to be going so well for you! I especially love the sky photo!

  6. Really love the autumnal finds here, beautiful berries! Glad that you've been enjoying time with your children :) it must be lovely to collect the things they make for you, safxxx

  7. What gorgeous photos (as always). I adore your blog! So pleased your little man is doing well, that's fantastic! Well dong with the reading too :) xx

  8. Beautiful pics as ever - that shot of your boy blowing the dandelion clock is so lovely. Loving the phonetic spellings on Elizabeth's work too - that's one thing I really miss from my teaching days. It's like cracking a code trying to figure out what they've written! x

  9. Beautiful photos. I am very impressed with Elizabeth's cursive handwriting!

  10. Beautiful pics as always. Sorry, I can't help with the Facebook queries - I couldn't even set up the business page. No idea where I went wrong! x

  11. Such lovely photos - the stories and paper watch reminded me so much of my daughter this time last year. She went through a phase of making watches all the time, and she still wrties endless story books. We also adore Pippi Longstocking. Love the photo of your boy blowing the dandelion. x

  12. Beautiful pictures as always Caroline ... I'm on twitter and have a Facebook page too but cannot really fathom it either ... tweeting is good but facebook is too much hassle at the moment ... not much help am I ;) ... Bee xx

  13. Caroline, your photos are always so inspiring to me! I look forward to seeing what you'll post next. :)
