23 Oct 2013

Nature in the home

Yay nature in the home with Lou of little green shed is back! I'm looking forward to joining in again with the new Autumn series

We came across all these conkers by accident the other day when walking back to the car after a Dr's appointment. We saw a few laying on all the leaves and when we looked a little closer we realised there were loads of them and filled all our pockets, carrying as many as we could back with us. It still brings back the excitement of finding conkers as a kid - like finding a little shiny gem amongst the leaves! I guess no one else had thought to look for them there. We weren't nearly as successful on our conker search at the park last week!

I quite like them simply sitting in this heart shaped bowl at home - plus they are keeping the spiders at bay. Or is that just an old wives tale?!


  1. Lovely! My boys would be delighted to get their hands on those! My spider-phobic Granny swore by conkers, I don't know if it really works, though.

  2. So pretty. I can't help picking conkers up, so tactile. Shiny. x

  3. I really must go and collect some conkers - but just recently, whenever I've had any spare time, it has been pouring with rain!
    Love the bowl you've put them in :)

  4. Beautiful! I love the simplicity of your photos.

  5. Great Auntie Jean told me about conkers warding off spiders so it MUST be true! Need to get a load into this house I tell you! What a lovely simple photo. There's nothing more lovely than the rich colour and glossy shine of a perfect conker.

  6. Oh how delightful your conkers look in that heart shaped bowl, so seasonal x I plan to join in with Lou's nature in the home posts too xox Penny

  7. They look so beautiful displayed in the bowl that way.

  8. This year is the first time I've ever heard of the spider tale, the lady next door swears by them it seems. Maybe I'll give it ago. Glad this little series is back, I can't wait to join in :)

  9. I've never heard of them keeping the spiders at bay but am really motivated to go gather some with my littlest one now! They look gorgeous in your heart bowl. xo Karen

  10. ooh, that's a stash and a half! they look great in the little bowl. I had heard that about spiders, which is why I'm frantically trying to find some... I hate spiders! x

  11. They look delightful displayed in that bowl. I think I need to test the spider thing ... we seem to be over run with the blighters.

    I was sorry to miss Nature in the Home this week ... I really enjoy participating and must try harder.

  12. Gorgeous shiny conkers, there have been so many this year. I love them :)

  13. So simple and pretty, Caroline. I love the waxy sheen and the swirly patterns you find in conkers...and just the word c o n k e r is fab! x
