30 Oct 2013

Nature in the home

We collected some little acorn tops when we went to the park last week. There weren't so many acorns to be found - I think they had already been snaffled away, but there were lots of tops!

As pretty as they are already, I kind of wanted to do something with them so I made them into some little mini bowls. I sanded the bottom of each one a little so they sat upright and then I painted the insides with Acrylic paint. I quite like how they turned out - I'm not exactly sure what to do with them, but they do look quite cute sat on the fireplace with the pumpkins and gourds we bought at the farm shop this week.


  1. What a great idea painting the inside of them… great effect. And I love your simple, autumnal mantle display. x

  2. Oh these are lovely! Such a beautiful way to bring the seasons indoor. Hope your week is lovely :) x

  3. So pretty and lovely colours. That butternut squash is a fab shape! X

  4. The first pic seems to me as the acorn tops would be stuck on the wall, which can be pretty nice decoration I think.

  5. oh yes art work indeed, aren't they fab! very clever, Heather x

  6. Your little bowls are very cute! I also have a lot of the tops in my yard from two oak trees, but I think the squirrels have eaten or hidden the rest. HA!

  7. LOVE! What a gorgeous idea. I'm off to find some. x

  8. They're really pretty. That was so creative.

  9. They really are so cute. Am thinking gold and Christmas as well - you could put mini candles in them!

  10. Oh these are so cute, you would need to find something super-tiny to put in it as a bowl! Maybe individual pairs of earrings would be fun!

  11. ah, these are lovely Caroline. Love your mantle display too x

  12. This is such a great idea! I can't wait to join in Lou's Nature in the Home this week for sure x


  13. So lovely ... that butternut squash is amazing ... Bee xx

  14. ohh this takes me back. so simple. and so fun. i would love to do something similar with my daughter.
    unfortunately we have the opposite here: too many topless and not enough tops.
    lovely as usual!

  15. Brilliant! I would've loved these as fairy cups when I was younger! Love the colours you chose too, they look great. x

  16. I love the little acorn cups! Just beautiful and perfect for very small guests ;)

  17. Ow Caroline, I love these little painted acorns tops! What a brilliant idea :) they look very fetching together! I have been collecting acorns in there caps whilst walking in our local park, they are brilliant to draw :) safxxx

  18. Very creative, love it! Love your pumpkin collection too! Happy Halloween!

  19. Oh, Caroline, these are just so utterly gorgeous! x

  20. They're beautiful, so inventive :)

  21. Such a sweet idea. They'd make excellent bowls for a some Sylvanian Family mice or rabbits! x

  22. Oh so dear! Those pops of colour! What little treasures you have made :)
