1 Nov 2013

Garden moodboard - October

Happy November! I'm just squeezing in my garden moodboard for October - joining in with Asa and Karin and their collections of flowers and foliage from the garden each month. There are very few flowers out there now, though still quite a bit of colour with all the turning leaves and the bright red and orange berries. I love all the different kinds of mushrooms too!

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend! xx


  1. Caroline just beautiful! look at that leaf all painted! adore it and your images of mushrooms xxxx

  2. This is such a fun idea, looking at the unusual colours of autumn! Love how there is a pink and yellow in with the greens and browns. Happy November!

  3. Such a lovely moodboard/idea - bright and colourful - makes me smile. Have a lovely weekend Caroline!

  4. I love those fungi and the pink of the hydrangea is so pretty! x

  5. The fading hydrangea looks so vintage and beautiful. I'm a great fan of fungi too, gorgeous colours you've put together Caroline xox Penny

  6. Love the pink of the cyclamen and the hydrangea. Do you know the name of the magically coloured leaves that go from green through to red? I keep seeing them and they look amazing! x

  7. Great to see them all together as a board x

  8. So pretty! I love the rainbow coloured leaves!

  9. I like the way you added the blocks of solid colour. The mushrooms are fab. x

  10. beautiful colours, lots of interest in the garden, even this late on! x

  11. I love the pinks and greens going on in this mood board :) really lovely colours, also love the fungi, I used to love drawing mushrooms :) hope your week is going well at the mo, I can't believe it November already! Safxxx

  12. Very nice!! I have a similar collage of autumn treasures from last year!
    Nice to see your blog!
    Come stop by mine: fannyathome.blogspot.com
