13 Nov 2013

Monthly mosaic...

This is my very late mosaic of Instagram pics for October. The end of the month came and I kind of thought I would stop doing them... then I changed my mind! After all there is only one more after this one and I will have a whole year of little mosaics to look back on. I might even make them all into one big mosaic - a year of Instagram pics!

A couple of weeks ago I was made a suggested user on Instagram. It was such a wonderful surprise and has been lovely to meet so many new people.

I have been using my phone camera so much more lately, I just find it so much easier - both to use and to carry about with me! I will try and post some recent photos from my big camera soon though!

Hope your having a good week! xx


  1. Your photos are always beautiful Caroline ... you should definitely keep going ... the photos will be precious to look back on ... Bee xx

  2. These photos look lovely, I always enjoy your mosaics so keep going! I love the butterfly and the flowers :) I'm sure it will be worth while to make a years round up mosaic, to record good memories :) safxxx

  3. I love these mood boards Caroline... such gorgeous photos, especially of your little ones! wow, your instagram has gone crazy, huh?! you deserve it, such a lovely feed x

  4. How exciting that you are an Instagram suggested user, though not at all surprising. I have the opposite issue though ... despite liking Instagram and having a great camera on my phone I can't seem to drop the habit of always using my DSLR.

    Such lovely images here :)

  5. Oh, keep the mosaics up! I love your photos :)
    Sarah x

  6. Your mosaics are always a visual treat - it would be nice to see out the year.

    I wondered what had happened to your IG account - blimey, that's brilliant! And totally well deserved. You have a talent for composition. I love instagram but really dislike my phone camera and think it takes pretty rubbish photos on the whole...that's my excuse, anyway... ;-) x
