13 Dec 2013

And the winner is..

And the winner of the giveaway is... Tracey English! Congratulations Tracey, if you could email me your address and I will get the bits in the post to you.

Thank you so much to everyone who entered and shared. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. xx


  1. How did you get your picture to snow?! (wide eyed with wonder)

    Leanne xx

  2. Hi, I just googled 'snow for blogs' or something like that for a code, I didn't keep which site I got it from but there's lots there. Then you add gadget - HTML and copy and paste the code in and when saved you should have snow falling. It falls across whole blog depending on where the cursor is but only shows up against photos on mine! I did it last year too, thought it was good fun for Christmas. xx

  3. Thankyou so much Caroline, how exciting. Will pop on my blog when it arrives. X will email my address to you
