31 Dec 2013

Happy New Year!

Hello! Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. Ours was lovely - lots of time just chilling at home with family - mainly because the weather was so awful though!

This is my monthly mosaic for December and the last one of the year. I've joined together some of the mosaics from past months to make this big one too. Its nice to see so them all together like that - lots of little happy colourful memories!

Thank you so much for all your lovely comments and support this last year on my little blog. I'm very much looking forward to the year ahead and excited about what's to come - I think its going to be a good one!

Happy New Year friends, I hope you all have a wonderful 2014! xxx


  1. Beautiful mosaics, wishing you and your family a wonderful and very happy new year xox Penny

  2. Bright and cheery images - perfect. Hope you all have a great 2014 xo

  3. Happy New Year Caroline and lovely mosaic with lots of gorgeous images. x

  4. Happy New Year Caroline! I love these mosaics, so much fun and colour in each of them x

  5. Happy New Year - looking forward to more of your lovely images in 2014.
    Sarah x

  6. A fantastic mosaic. Wishing you, Elizabeth and Archie a very happy New Year. CJ xx

  7. Gorgeous mosaics, Caroline. I wish you and your family health and happiness in 2014.

  8. Amazing that even at the darkest time of the year you can produce such a beautiful mosaic, you are an inspiration! :-)

  9. Beautiful as ever. Here's to a happy 2014 (and new found friends :0) xx

  10. Happy New Year Caroline! I'm sure it'll be a great one for you and your family :) safxxx

  11. I've really enjoyed reading your blog this past year and I'm looking forward to more beautiful and inspiring pics in 2014! Happy new year!
