21 Dec 2013


A few pictures from the last week or so. We've all had a horrible sickness bug - one of us after the other, so there has been lots of time spent at home. It was actually quite nice to spend a couple of mornings with my girl. We painted and glued Christmassy pictures inspired by Pinterest and decorated cupcakes.

In between we finally bought and decorated our tree and I'm pretty much finished with the present buying and the wrapping! The kids went back to school in time for their Christmas parties and I just made it to Archie's Nativity - I felt soo ill but there was no way I was going to miss seeing my boy as a king! He did such a good job too - and I loved how when they told of Mary and Joseph going to Bethlehem on a Donkey he added  'coz they couldn't get there by train... and they couldn't get there by helicopter.'

We also managed a little walk along the beach too, It felt good to get out in the lovely sunshine and fresh air after being cooped up inside. The boy was most pleased with his find of a broken paintbrush which he used to hammer pieces of driftwood.

The kids are super excited about Christmas now they have finished for the holidays - because it is only 4 more sleeps!! I'm going to take a little blogging break over Christmas while they are at home. I'll be around on Instagram and will be having a good catch up of everyone else's blogs too!

Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas, I'll be back in the new year. xxx


  1. Glad you are all feeling better, Happy Chriistmas and best wishes for 2014. x

  2. Oh such nasty bugs about at the moment! Good to hear that all will be well for Christmas, hoping you and your family have a very special time, merry Christmas Caroline xox

  3. Glad you are all feeling better ... winter bugs are no fun at all ... enjoy your break and have a wonderful Christmas and New Year ... Bee xx

  4. Hope you're all fully recovered. I love that Christmas card. I think I may have a go at making a big one for framing...
    Enjoy the blogging break and have a happy and well-rested Christmas x

  5. Have you got snowflakes falling on your page. I thought I was seeing things there for a minute :D Merry Xmas. xox

  6. it's the added extras in the school play that makes them so worthwhile!! love the colourful cup cakes. I hope you all have a lovely christmas and a good rest! Heather

  7. Lovely, festive images. Those cakes are fab - decoration overload, as is right and proper at Christmas. Sorry to hear you've all been unwell, how awful. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas.Take care. x

  8. Oh poor you, that's not much fun. Hope you're all feeling completely better now. The cakes are wonderful. Nothing like cupcakes decorated by children. I'm hoping to do a gingerbread house with mine. A bit ambitious I know! Glad you got to see the nativity, it is indeed one of the most special moments of the school year. I hope you all have a great Christmas and a very happy New Year.

  9. loving the look of those cupcakes! hope you're all feeling tip-top now :)

  10. Hope you're all feeling a bit brighter now. Have a wonderful Christmas with your little ones and see you in the new year xxx

  11. Love the jaunty angel! Hope you have recovered and enjoy a wonderful Christmas xo

  12. Love the angel. Happy Christmas. Jacqui x

  13. Those paper trees are simple and wonderful. Oh, sickness bugs are the very pits. So glad it's scarpered now.

  14. oh dear, glad to hear you're feeling better now! I love the photos of the hand painting and the cupcakes. I bet you're creating great memories there, I used to love doing that with my Mum :) Happy Christmas Caroline x

  15. Hope you're all feeling better! We've had some bugs too.. but we tend to just watch TV under a blanket instead of making and baking like you ;). The handprint is wreath is beautiful and such a lovely idea!
    Have a lovely lovely Christmas!

  16. I'm glad you're feeling better. Everything looks very festive at your house. I wish you all a Merry Christmas!

  17. Beautiful! Happy to hear that you are feeling better now. Merry Christmas!

  18. Hi Caroline - I love your Christmas makes...we will be doing nails later today!

    Merry Christmas and the warmest of wishes for 2014.

    Nina x

  19. merry merry christmas my lovely xxxx

  20. Happy Christmas! Glad you're all better. Loving Archie's mittens by the way!

  21. I'm sorry to hear you were ill during Christmas, hope you and your children are feeling better now. I love the picture of the cup cakes! So bright and pretty, it looks like you had a great Christmas together, safxxx
