16 Dec 2013

Things organized neatly...

These are a few of my Instagram collections of things organized neatly and colours organised neatly.

I have shown some of these as little pictures in my monthly mosaics but I thought It would be nice to put a few of my favourites together in one post. I love making these, there's something quite satisfying about putting things together in neat lines or in rainbow order!

I thought I might make this a monthly series next year too - to share my little collections of neatness here as well as on my Instagram!


  1. Love them wish I could be that neat! My lovely bowl is sitting on our dinner table thank you so much. x

  2. These are just lovely! I have lots of old buttons sewn onto cards in a similar colour groupings. There is definitely something soothing about order in a world of chaos!x

  3. I love your colourful collections and I'd love to see them on your blog as I'm not on instagram!
    What are those picks, stirrers? And how about the ones in the last photo?
    So so pretty..

    1. Thank you! Yes they're drink stirrers, I picked up a tin of them at a carboot sale and loved all the different colours. The bottom ones are vintage advertising pins - another car boot find! x

  4. seriously caroline, these makes me SO HAPPY! i particularly love all the button ones though, but partly because i love buttons. i used to have so, so many when i was younger.

  5. Oh how beautifully ordered Caroline, this is such a wonderfully inspiring post full of gorgeous colours xxx

  6. These are so visually interesting. I really love the way they look and I appreciate the neatness and organization very much.

  7. These please me greatly! Nice work!

  8. I love these. They are so pleasing to look at. I imagine they are pleasing to put together as well! x

  9. I love your collections! oh the colours xx

  10. I am loving the buttons especially all in neat rows with there graduation of colours, so pretty! Love the flowers too and the autumnal collection going on, defiantly think it will be a wonderful feature to do monthly :) safxxx
