2 Dec 2013


These are some pics from our weekend. We had a really good one - lots of exploring out and about which is what I love to do best when the kids are home.

On Saturday my mum took us for lunch at Shoreham airport. I had never been before, but its an amazing building and a great place to sit and watch the little planes coming and going. The boy absolutely loved it!

We then went to nearby Shoreham-by-Sea and collected shells (from the many there) and the kids made sandcastles. We stopped at Littlehampton beach on the way home and walked along the seafront. I just caught this pretty sunset late afternoon - I've really noticed this last week or so how early it's getting dark!

On Sunday we went for a walk around Petworth park. It's so pretty there at this time of the year with the golden leaves and I love seeing all the wild deer roaming around.

Wishing you all a wonderful week. xx


  1. Wow, this does look like a good weekend! Weekends feel so much longer when you have adventures! Love how many shells there are in that photo. Hope you have a lovely week!

  2. Gosh I didn't realise Shoreham airport had such a gorgeous art deco building. My sister in law lives in Lancing, we should arrange to go sometime. I love all those deers Caroline, realy beautiful mix of photography here. Hope you have just as great a week xox Penny

  3. Such beautiful parts of the country around Petworth...I've never been to the park, driven past a hundred times but then I've never visited a lot of place around where I grew up - I guess you just take it for granted. Something I must start rectifying each time I go home - blimey, that sounds like a resolution.

    Nina x

  4. love the idea of going for lunch at the airport! a lovely weekend, Heather x

  5. If I ever get close to Shoreham, I'll make sure to pop by the airport, my boys would love it!
    The light in some of your photos is beautiful, amazing shots!

  6. Such beautiful photographs. And it does sound like a lovely weekend.

    Leanne xx

  7. love the looking up into the trees shot, SO pretty!

  8. Such a lovely looking weekend! Glad you had a good time. x

  9. Your weekend looks wonderful Caroline, I think walks on the beach are the best :) I love the phot of the art deco building too, very poirot which I love! Here's hoping your have some more lovely walks with your family before xmas :) safxxx
