12 Jan 2014


Today is scraps of us 2nd blog birthday! I cant believe its been two years since I started this little space. To celebrate and as a thank you for all your wonderful comments and support I thought I would have a little giveaway.

The prizes are a bundle of vintage fabric squares. The pieces each measure 12x12" and there are 30 different patterns and colours.

And also some hand made lavender filled scallop bunting.

To enter just be a follower of scraps of us - either by bloglovin or by google friend connect and leave a comment below.

You can gain extra entries by sharing on Facebook or Twitter or your blog - please just let me know in a separate comment.

I am happy to post worldwide and the giveaway will end on the 24th January. Good Luck. xxx


The giveaway winner is... Saffa of laciepaperie. Congratulations Saffa, if you could email me your address and I will get the bits in the post to you. Big thank you to everyone who entered. x


  1. What a fabulous giveaway! I'd love to enter. Happy blog birthday. Enjoy your day lovely. X

  2. Hi! I follow your blog through bloglovin from Barcelona, Spain. I'd love to make some bunting too! Thank you for this great giveaway!
    Marta GarcĂ­a
    martaplayita (a) gmail.com

  3. Wowed what a lovely give away Caroline, happy 2nd blog birthday x

  4. Congratulations!!
    Thanks for a lovely giveaway - I follow through GFC

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  7. Aawww congrats my friends! I've been following you on IG long time and I absolutely love what you do. You're wonderful and incredibly talent!

  8. Now... firstly congrats then what a fabulous treat of a giveaway... yes please count me in. Cx

    1. http://upcyclingvintageandotherlife.blogspot.co.uk/

  9. What a gorgeous giveaway Caroline ... congratulations on being 2 ... wishing you many more happy years blogging ... thanks for the chance ... Bee xx

  10. A wonderful giveaway. I'd love to be entered for it.

    Happy blogaversary. xx

    Leanne xx

  11. Congratulations!!! And thank you for the chance!

  12. SHARED ON MY FACEBOOK PAGE HERE XXX https://www.facebook.com/FlightPlatformLiving?ref=hl

  13. Happy blogging birthday……lovely giveaway………will tweet and share! x

  14. Happy blog birthday! I would love to be entered. Thank you for the opportunity to win. :)

  15. Ooh. I've just found you through Lapin Blu. I would love to enter this wonderful giveaway : ) Thankyou

    I am following you on Bloglovin'

  16. I have shared on Facebook (Lesley Bambridge)

  17. What a cool giveaway, those fat quarters would make a very pretty quilt!! Thanks for the chance!
    And happy 2! My blog is 2 as well and I'm hoping to organise some kind of giveaway soon too!

  18. Happy blog birthday Caroline! What lovely fabrics. I am a follower bloglovin, of course! x

  19. Happy blogiversary :-) Can't believe you've only been going for 2 years!

    (Just want to say that even though I love the prizes I'm entering the giveaway. I can't sew and those gorgeous fabrics would be wasted on me!)


  20. love reading your blog.lovely giveaway xx

  21. Congratulations on your second blog birthday, you should be very proud of your lovely blog. The fabrics are beautiful, many thanks for the fantastic giveaway.

  22. I am trying my luck. Happy anniversary!

  23. Happy birthday !
    Thanks for a chance to win

  24. and what a lovely space it is.
    count me in! ")
    happy two!

  25. Happy 2nd Blogthday! Here's to many more! Jo x

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Oh those fabrics are so fun! Thanks for the chance to win!

  28. Oh! Oh! Oh! Im not sure which part of this giveaway to gush about first!!!
    Lovely fabric, and lets face, a girl just can't have too much fabric, lol, or is it shoes?! Either way, too much just isn't possible :D
    And how flippin' cute is that scalloped bunting?!
    Totally off topic as well, that no2 is just utter perfection.
    Right thats it, gushing over. Just stick me in the hat and I'll keep my fingers (toes and what ever else is necessary) crossed Xxx

  29. Love this giveaway, I follow you on IG and love your photos, the fabric giveaway is fantabulous.
    Fingers crossed xx

  30. Happy 2nd blog birthday!

    Such a lovely giveaway, I got a sewing machine for Christmas which I need to learn how to use but I'm trying to build up my fabric collection!

    I follow on bloglovin (Hannah Marie - Dainty and Ivory)


  31. so happy to have found your gorgeous blog - I have just spent a good little while admiring so many beautiful photos and makes :-) I now follow on Bloglovin!

  32. Happy 2nd blog birthday Caroline! I have enjoyed your blog and wish you many more years of happiness and inspiration! I'd love to be in this giveaway, I'm already following you on bloglovin but don't have an facebook or twitter account so not sure if its still valid? Anyhow, hope your weeks going well at the mo, am trying to get through winter to make it to spring at the mo :) Safxxx

  33. Such lovely fabrics, congrats on your anniversary. Thanks for the chance!

  34. Am I in time to join your lovely give-away?
    I would love to enter.
    Congratulations with your 2nd blog birthday!
