28 Jan 2014

Jumping in muddy puddles...

On Saturday afternoon, with the weather looking ok, we decided to get out and headed to our local park for a walk around and some fresh air. It was lovely to be outside while the sun was shining but it was still very wet and muddy with some pretty impressive puddles! The kids loved it though and after cautiously jumping in some of the smaller ones ended up full on running through them all, big sticks in hand and with just a little welly overflow!


  1. Looks like the bestest fun ever Caroline, brilliant childhood memories made xxx

  2. oooh yeah! Thats my type of fun and great pictures x

  3. There really isn't anything else to do! :) x

  4. Ah to be young again! Looks as though they had a wonderful day out and about :) puddles can make the most wonderful reflections to paint, lovely patterns, safxxx

  5. This is the life indeed! So much fun.

  6. Puddles are made for jumping in. It reminds me of an afternoon when my eldest were both little. We all went out for a walk up the lanes, and the heavens opened. Instead of dashig back home, we spent a good half hour jumping in puddles and getting soaking wet. My eldest still talks about it, and he is nearly seventeen.

    Leanne xx

  7. Cor! My kids would love this...and me too.

    Nina x

  8. ah, looks like great fun! love your daughter's wells too… so cute! x

  9. Oh I love puddle splashing in my Wellington boots such fun

  10. Such fun and what lovely memories! Hope you're all ok lovely xx

  11. Those puddles look deep! What fun x
