7 Jan 2014

Spring tide...

The Kids have gone back to school today. They had an Inset day yesterday - or an insect day as Elizabeth calls it! The holidays were lovely but I feel ready to get back in to a bit of routine now and I know they were really starting to miss their friends.

These pictures are from the weekend. We walked along the beach after the tide had gone out to see what damage had been done in the overnight storm and to see what treasures could be found. The path along the seafront had nearly merged into beach with the amount of shingle washed up and this bench was now a perfect height for the kids. We sadly saw lots of starfish of jelly like sea creatures washed up too - I've never seen a starfish here before!

We came home with bags full of driftwood, a paddle and some fishing floats. I'm hoping to make a little beachy area in the garden in the Spring so they will be perfect! I had to leave behind a very lovely railway sleeper that had been washed up as it was far too heavy - it would have been perfect though!

I was also quite excited to find this little wooden acorn shape, wondering what it could possibly be. But then it occurred to me its probably just one of those hanging air fresheners or something - still pretty cute though!


  1. ooh, this post has made me want to just run to the seaside for the day...sun or no sun!

  2. Beautiful photos as always! My little one would kill for that cute Poppet hat ;)

  3. yes looks lovely , would of loved to join you for beach combing my absolute favourite. x

  4. These are gorgeous pictures Caroline, it must've been a lovely walk. The weathers been crazy hasn't it! I really love things from the sea, its been so long since I've been on a sea shore walk, it must've been beautiful, hope your little ones settle into school again and you enjoy your week :) safxxx

  5. Over the years I have found so many huge pieces of wood on Porth Kidney Sands. They have always been much too big for me to carry up the sand dunes and along the foot path back to the car.

    Your first photograph is beautiful. I love the silver hues at this time of the year.

    Happy New Year , Caroline

    Leanne xx

  6. I've seen some pics of the storm online - so scary! Your little acorn is very cute. I like it too :-) x

  7. Beachcombing sounds like the perfect activity to do with children. Hope you're having a good 2014 so far x

  8. We also had 'insect' days when Alice was little :o) Beachcombing is such a brilliant activity to do despite the weather, it's amazing what the storm washes up! x Happy 2014 by the way

  9. How lovey beach combing but so sad about all those sea creatures.....you are very lucky to live so close to the sea :) x

  10. A friend was telling me today about the shingle being washed up! I might have to take a beach visit tomorrow. I'm looking forward to some routine too, although it's been nice to have the pressure off for a few weeks x

  11. Yes I remember the treasure found after wild weather on the beach... huge bits of wood me and the dogs I used to walk just couldn't budge! Never saw star fish though... sad... Cx

  12. Hi Caroline, I've popped over from Notes on Paper to take a closer look - and love what I find :) Will be following your adventures in 2014 - I have 4 young daughters so lots of "scraps of us" too :) Lisa @ Vintage Celebrations

  13. Visited your blog via Little Birdie, what a lovely read and busy looking children! I have a Midwinter 'can' shaped sugar bowl for sale on ebay with a nice geometric design - hope you don't think it rude but here is the item number 141158489258
    I just thought you might like it after looking at all your lovely vintage finds. Jo x

  14. lovely wintery beach shots Caroline! x

  15. Wintery beach walks are the best. And I love the way that even the most ordinary objects take on a whole new life as flotsam. Beachcombing is such a satisfying activity!
