1 Feb 2014


Goodbye January - what a long and crappy month you were! I am so glad its finally February, it means we're just that bit closer to Spring... and I do like Spring!

These are my Instagram pictures from the last month - not even enough to make a mosaic this time. I think I've lost my Instagramming  mojo along with my blogging... and my shop! I'm blaming it partly on the rubbish weather - though you wouldn't actually think it looking at these pics. I think we must have got out at every dry and sunny opportunity! This month will be a better one though, I'm sure!

Happy February lovely people! x


  1. I'm hoping for a drier, brighter February! Surely it can't get any worse?

  2. It was indeed a long January, & I have the same feelings you are having! I look forward to spring time and the motivation that it seems to bring. :)

  3. Hope you get your mojo back soon. This weather can't last for ever, can it?
    Jacqui x

  4. I love the blues and yellows in these pictures Caroline :) I hope you feel more inspired soon and find your mojo again, I have been feeling in a similar way lately with the blog/ shop, very unmotivated but like you I'm hoping February will bring better weather and give more inspiration once more, safxxx

  5. It's very easy to forget the grey and murk when looking at these gorgeous photos. February 1st was a day of two healves in St Ives, weather wise, with the mot outrageous high tide the town has seen for a long time. Today the sky is blue, the sea is calm and we are off out to enjoy. Happy February, Caroline!

    Leanne xx

  6. Hooray for moving closer to Spring, the rainy wet and blustery days are really getting me down, does nothing for ones mojo indeed. You have however managed to take bright happy photos Caroline, let's hope for the best now it's February xox

  7. January stole my mojo too but February will be better I just know it ... wishing you a lovely month Caroline ... Bee xx

  8. Think everyone feels the same, January has disapeared without me finishing everything I had wanted to do! Lets hope the sun shines more in Feb. Love your shots all the same. x

  9. You haven't lost your photography mojo though :-) x

  10. Yep, January stole my mojo too. The weather didn't help. I hope you re-discover your blogging and instagram mojo soon. Your photography skills are still intact though! Love the image of the paint tubes. x

  11. love that first photo! i know how you feel, the weather ..moreso the lack of light really gets me down and stumps my creativity.

  12. Love your images Caroline - especially that grand number 2. Happy February indeed!

  13. gorgeous images, it looks like summer! I know better...ugggh rain and mud!

  14. Beautiful shots though, Caroline! Here's to a fabulous February x

  15. What amazing blue skies and beautiful shots as always. I love the paint tubes!
    I've been off blogging too for a little while.. Hope you find your mojo back soon and I really enjoy every single one of your posts!
    Happy February to you!

  16. Gorgeous pictures lovely and hope your get your mojo back soon. January is never a great month xxx

  17. Love your beautiful an colorful pictures :-) Maybe february brings you sunshine and warmth!!
