12 Feb 2014


▲ A quiet moment watching the birds at the park
▲ Elizabeth lost her first tooth! She needed a little persuasion to leave it for the fairies though.
▲ Morning sky - I'm taking one of these in the same spot each month!
▲ Listening to his sister through the speaking tube in the playground
▲ Morning cuddles
▲ A walk through the woods - Archie with the biggest stick as usual!
▲ Jumping boy at the beach
▲ My birthday girl - 6 already?!


  1. i love how much time you spend at the beach! i miss living so close.

  2. What beautiful photos, you really are an inspiration to me to try harder with my photography. I really love the one of jumping at the beach, and the birthday one is fantastic too. I have a birthday here tomorrow, I shall try and capture something even half as lovely.

  3. Hey Caroline,

    Lately I've been thinking how time is flying. I'm frantically snapping away. Taking photo of Olly and wondering where the time has gone. Your lately pictures are lovely, especially the one of your children together.

    Have a lovely week,

    Leanne xx

  4. Your kids are so beautiful! Love the one of them cuddling. x

  5. Your photos are really so sweet and lovely x

  6. Lovely photos as always Caroline, glad you are finding moments between the wind and rain to get out! :-O

  7. They're both so sweet. Happy birthday to your daughter!

  8. Your children are beautiful and these pictures are very sweet! The one of the two of them together in the woods is way too cute! I have a similar photo of myself and my sister when we were this age.


  9. What happy photos! I love the one of the children cuddling and I love the one of Elizabeth and her cake, 6 but isn't she looking so grown up!?

  10. lovely captures as always, amazed you got on the beach without gales and rain! That's a good looking chocolate cake for your little lady! Hope she had a lovely day x

  11. Your children are so sweet :) I love the picture of them having morning cuddles together,xx

  12. Gorgeous photos as always and hope your little girl had a wonderful birthday! Hope you are all ok. Not long until it's spring xx

  13. What beautiful photos of your delicious children, and you found some dun, not seen a shadow for ages! Happy birthday to your girl x

  14. ah, they are so adorable... love the one of the two of them together on the bed! lovely photos as always x
